STAT3 min readTech
Genealogy Site MyHeritage Says 92 Million User Accounts Compromised
MyHeritage, one of the nation's most popular online genealogy sites, said a security breach had affected the email addresses and hashed passwords of 92 million users, raising concerns about the…
STAT4 min readSociety
Opinion: Every State Needs A Database With All Health Insurance Claims, Not Just Some
California spends approximately $367 billion a year on health care. That’s more than the gross domestic product of South Africa or Denmark. It’s more than the state spends on six years of K-12 education, or 23 years of transportation. In other words,
STAT4 min read
What We Heard At CRISPRCon: Talk Of Designer Babies, IP Battles, And Scientific Colonialism
Here's what we picked up on at #CRISPRCon, the second annual geek-out over the groundbreaking technology.
STAT7 min read
Opinion: The ‘Cruel Joke’ Of Compassionate Use And Right To Try: Pharma Companies Don’t Have To Comply
Here's a frustrating fact I've learned in seeking help for my desperately ill daughter: The FDA's compassionate use program and the new "right-to-try" law can't compel a company to provide…
STAT4 min readScience
Opinion: Biohackers Are About Open-access To Science, Not DIY Pandemics. Stop Misrepresenting Us
Hey, @nytimes, biohackers working in community labs aren't "on the path to a D.I.Y. pandemic." We're a resource for good, not bad.
STAT6 min read
A New Cancer Care Dilemma: Patients Want Immunotherapy Even When Evidence Is Lacking
Doctors' new dilemma: Can they justify prescribing an immune therapy when it hasn’t been tested for a patient’s particular type of cancer?
STAT4 min read
New Risk Calculator Could Change The Aspirin, Statins, And Blood Pressure Medications Some People Take
One doctor thought the current risk calculator for heart attack and stroke didn't fit his African-American patients, so he made a new one.
STAT3 min read
A Controversial ASCO Presentation Underscores Risk Bristol, Nektar Carry With Experimental Cancer Drug
On Saturday night, the controversy around the experimental cancer immunotherapy drug NKTR-214 ratcheted higher following a new data presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting. Nektar Therapeutics and Bristol-Myers Squibb
STAT3 min readTech
Opinion: Boston: The Best City In The World To Fail In Biotech
Boston’s rise as the biotech capital of the world has been well-chronicled. Many factors make the city — in fact, the entire region around Boston — attractive to those seeking to create the next pharmaceutical breakthroughs. The area is home to some
STAT4 min read
Many Breast Cancer Patients Can Skip Chemo, Big Study Finds
Most women with the most common form of early-stage breast cancer can safely skip chemotherapy without hurting their chances of beating the disease, doctors reported Sunday from a landmark study.
STAT3 min read
Loxo Oncology Shows High Tumor Response Rates With Second Genetically Targeted Cancer Drug
Loxo Oncology has earned considerable buzz and a hefty stock market valuation for bringing a genomic-based approach to cancer drug development. The Connecticut biotech’s drugs target highly specific genetic mutations found in cancer cells, regardless
STAT5 min read
Grail’s Cancer Blood Test Shows ‘Proof Of Principle,’ But Challenges Remain
Will Grail hit its its out-of-the-park goal of detecting tumors super-early with a blood test? The early results are in for its liquid biopsy.
STAT3 min read
Bluebird Bio CAR-T Delays Multiple Myeloma Progression By One Year, But Is That Enough?
Bluebird and partner Celgene are hoping their drug can be the third CAR-T approved — and the first to treat multiple myeloma.
STAT4 min read
Pharmalittle: Antibiotic Shortages Putting Patients At Risk; EMA Fears Staff Losses As HQ Move Nears
The European Medicines Agency could see higher-than-anticipated staff losses when it moves to Amsterdam.
STAT4 min read
Opinion: ‘Angels In America’ Again: It’s Time To Humanize Addiction
Addiction is a disease, not a choice. Getting rid of the stigma will help lead the way to better treatment.
STAT3 min read
Opinion: Mergers Between Health Insurers And Pharmacy Benefit Managers Could Be Bad For Your Health
Beware the tail wagging the dog in mergers between insurers and pharmacy benefit managers, with patients unwittingly prescribed medicines designed more to pad profits than improve health.
STAT2 min read
WATCH: Surgeons Create Personalized Brain Maps To Guide Safer Surgeries
In brain surgery, mere millimeters can measure the difference between success and failure, so this surgeon is developing inventive ways of mapping each brain she encounters.
STAT3 min readScience
Who Gets Credit For CRISPR? Prestigious Award Singles Out Three, And Leaves Out A Notable Scientist
In giving their $1 million award to these scientists, the folks at #Kavli are letting it be known who they think deserves credit for CRISPR.
STAT4 min read
Opinion: Chronic Diseases Are Taxing Our Health Care System And Our Economy
Follow the money: we need "targeted" therapies aimed at changing human behaviors to stop the epidemic of chronic diseases.
STAT5 min read
Stem Cell Bank Opens With Backing From Leading Scientists. Is It Worth The Money?
Is it premature to start storing stem cells in the event they might be useful for treating diseases in the future?
STAT2 min read
‘Right-to-try’ Law Intended To Weaken The FDA, Measure’s Sponsor Says In Blunt Remarks
In blunt remarks, Sen. Ron Johnson wants to make one thing clear: His new law is meant to weaken the Food and Drug Administration.
STAT11 min read
Shot Through With Microbes: How Our Bodies Adapt To A Hidden World Of Bacteria
Adapted from “She Has Her Mother’s Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity,” published Tuesday by Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Some families are ambushed by blindness. The children in these families are born with eyes
STAT5 min readWellness
Ebola Outbreak Opens Way To Chaotic Jockeying To Test Experimental Drugs
The maneuvering for space to test experimental Ebola vaccines and drugs brings to mind the frantic days of the West African Ebola outbreak.
STAT2 min read
Facebook, Instagram Among Tech Firms Called To Washington By FDA To Address Illicit Opioid Sales
Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are among a host of other tech companies that have been invited to Washington amid concerns the platforms are being used for the illicit sale of…
STAT3 min read
Opinion: The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It — It Was Ambien. Nice Try, Roseanne
Roseanne Barr reminds us how hard it is for people not to be themselves, even when it propels them to self-destructive behavior with awful consequences. Barr’s recent smash TV comeback after 20 years was engineered on the cynical calculation that her
STAT7 min read
Pioneering Surgery Makes A Prosthetic Foot Feel Like The Real Thing
It was just the occasional wiggle, but it told doctors the prosthetic foot had seamlessly become part of Jim's body. STAT has been following this groundbreaking experiment for 15 months.…
STAT3 min readPolitics
Trump Signs Right-to-try Legislation, Making Controversial Measure Law Of The Land
President Trump signs right-to-try legislation, making the controversial measure the law of the land.
STAT5 min read
Opinion: DNA Donors Must Demand Stronger Protection For Genetic Privacy
Thinking about doing one of those DNA sequencing kits or participating in @NIH's All of Us? Think twice — your genetic privacy isn't protected as well as it should be.
STAT2 min read
Allergan Recalls Birth-control Pill Packs With Out-of-order Placebos
The first four days of Allergan's Taytulla birth-control pill packs were placebos, placing women at risk of unintended pregnancy.
STAT3 min read
Opinion: Opioid Recovery Teams Benefit From The Addition Of Lawyers
Medical-legal partnerships are a key step in helping individuals recover from opioid and other addictions.
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