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Kenneth Roth
Former long-time executive director of Human Rights Watch, now a free agent writing a book. Still proudly "sanctioned" by the Chinese and Russian governments.
New York and GenevaJoined December 2008

Kenneth Roth’s Tweets

The FBI licensed but says it didn’t use the Israeli NSO Group’s Pegasus “no click” spyware. Given the widespread abuse of Pegasus to spy on dissidents and journalists, why did the Israeli government let it be licensed to any government at all?
Beijing allows no democracy at home but manipulates others' -- Canadian intelligence officials have warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that the Chinese government funded "a clandestine network of at least 11 federal the 2019 election."
Iranian authorities' trials of protesters, bystanders and chroniclers of the current uprising have begun. "There is little expectation of due process in a judicial system dominated by the security services and stacked against the accused." #KangarooCourts
So this is Qatar? Its World Cup ambassador says homosexuality is "damage in the mind" and calls it "haram." If Qatar can't accept international rules on the rights of LGBT people, why did it sign up to host an international competition?
No, Qatar, it's not that LGBT people "have to accept our rules here" and stop being who they are. It's that Qatar, having chosen to host an international competition like the World Cup, has to accept the internationally recognized rights of LGBT people.
No surprise that governments under pressure to address past atrocities begin with token steps toward justice, trying to give supporters a chance to pretend that something is being done, but those steps sometimes get out of control, producing real results.
“Some of the very types of weapons that are being used to kill people in Ukraine are being used to kill the people of Myanmar. And they come from the very same source — they come from Russia.” -- UN rapporteur
"Five investigative journalistic groups...have launched an app called Samizdat to avoid the blocking of their websites by Russian authorities." By downloading the app, users will no longer need a VPN to reach these investigative websites.
"The Ethiopian government said Friday that 70 percent of the war-stricken northern region of Tigray was now under federal army control and that aid was being sent in -- claims swiftly denied by Tigrayan rebels," who say the aid blockade continues.
How many times will ASEAN nations urge dialogue and compliance with its peace plan for Myanmar until it recognizes that the junta has no intention of complying. Only heightened pressure on the Myanmar generals can make a difference.