ATTENTION: In the fall of 2017, we will release a new version of The new site will continue to provide data on federal awards as well as include data on agency expenditures. Please note that in advance of that transition, financial assistance awards, such as grants and loans, are now being updated on only. Please visit the new site and give us your feedback at Contact Us or join the Community.

Advanced Data Search

​​Fiscal Year and Spending Type are required selections​; you may select multiple filters in every category​. Search results display up to 1,000,000 transactions; however, you can download all transactions. The downloaded zip file contains spreadsheets for each ​Spending Type selected. Sub-award data for all Spending Types is in a separate spreadsheet. 

In the Search Results, click on Recipient Name to go to the Recipient Profile; click on the Award ID to see the Award Summary; click on header to sort the columns. ​ 
