Rankings & Advice

Rankings & Advice

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The Key to Hillary's Success

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton at the NHDP annual Jefferson Jackson dinner in Manchester, N.H., Sunday, Nov. 29, 2015. (AP Photo/Cheryl Senter)

African-American women turned out at a higher rate than any other group in 2012, and the Clinton campaign hopes to make it happen again.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015.

Ted Cruz Warns Against Military Adventurism

The Texas senator is seeking an implicit contrast with the more hawkish Marco Rubio.

Cruz Takes First Lead Over Trump in Iowa

Happy group of friends celebrating 2016 New Years at a nightclub and holding numbers.

50 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2016

These steps will help you boost your money in the coming year. 

How to Live on $13,000 a Year

Decision 2016 logo

Iowa Democrats Set First Tele-Caucus

Military members and students overseas will be able to phone in their vote Feb. 1.

More Election 2016 Coverage

Which Candidate Is Leading The Chase?

Lumber is hauled during the construction of a new townhouse in Chantilly, Va., Sept. 7, 2012.

America's Middle Class Is Getting Squeezed Out

A new study says most Americans are no longer considered middle-class.

1 in 5 Americans Expects to Die With Debt

Money as a gift with a green bow and yellow envelope.

Should You Save or Splurge That Bonus Check?

It's the time of year when bonus checks are landing in mailboxes. Here's what to do with your windfall. 

10 Money Action Steps to Take Before 2016

Group of business people celebrating holidays with champagne

Your Guide to Healthier Holiday Drinks

Experts share some of their favorite winter drinks to help you recharge and warm up – plus add sparkle to a holiday party.

Can You Drink and Still Lose Weight?

Your Healthy Holiday Survival Guide

In this photo from March 24, 2007, Donald Trump, left, accepts his Muhammad Ali award from Ali at Muhammad Ali's Celebrity Fight Night XIII in Phoenix. Ali is criticizing Republican presidential front-runner Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, and calling on Muslims "to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda."

Muslim Athletes Hit Back at Trump

Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar critique GOP front-runner over plan to block Muslims' access to America.

Scholars Say Trump's Muslim Ban Could Be Constitutional