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17,705 views 2 years ago
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/prime/) Life is a university. This is life at its Prime. Subscribe to UCTV Prime today. [Show ID: 23489] Show less
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A Cluttered Life: Middle-Class Abundance Play

Americans sure do like their stuff. The problem is, it piles up, leaving families surrounded by overstuffed cabinets and plenty of clutter. This UCTV Prime series follows a team of UCLA anthropologists as they venture into the stuffed-to-capacity homes of dual income, middle class American families in order to truly understand the food, toys, and clutter that fill them.

Going Places: UC Education Abroad Play

From witnessing history at the Berlin Wall to saving lives in a remote West African community, this UCTV Prime series shares the life-changing stories of participants in the University of California's pioneering education abroad program. As the program marks 50 years of educating and inspiring global citizens, this series explores how UC study abroad students are influencing the world - and how the world is changing them.

Museum Meets Orchestra Play

UCLA's Hammer Museum invited wild Up, a 24-member, experimental classical/contemporary orchestra, to be in residence over a six-month period in 2012. During that time, the orchestra presented three major concerts and 30 smaller chamber music performances that defied convention and transformed the museum into a space as unexpected and moving as the music itself. This UCTV Prime original series, premiering January 2013, goes the behind-the-scenes of this unusual residency.

Lifting the Blanket: Pursuit of a Climate Change Solution Play

Beginning his career as an engineer at a refrigeration plant in India, Veerabhadran Ramanathan went on to make one of the most important climate change discoveries when he identified chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as even larger contributors to global warming than the previously identified culprit, carbon dioxide.

This four-part series follows the Scripps Institution of Oceanography scientist's remarkable path that changed the face of climate change research and has introduced possibilities for human-scale solutions.

9 Billion Mouths to Feed: The Future of Farming Play

The global population is expected to hit 9 billion by 2050 and there's an urgent need to reform our food production to meet the rising demand. This four-part series examines these challenges and demonstrates how UC Davis is leading the way in developing sustainable, high-tech agriculture practices and training the next generation of farmers.

Lighting the World: Shuji Nakamura's Brilliant Discovery Play

We take light for granted, but more than two billion people in the world go through their entire lives without reliable lighting. But that is changing, thanks in part to the brilliant discovery of UC Santa Barbara's Shuji Nakamura.

This four-part series, made possible by UC Santa Barbara's Solid State Lighting and Energy Center, tells the story of Nakamura's determined effort to develop the white LED and the revolution in lighting that his discovery has brought to the world.
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