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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

Electronic Reporting of Toxics Release Inventory Data

Rule Summary

EPA has published a final rule requiring facilities to report all non-trade secret Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data to EPA using the TRI-MEweb online reporting application.

This rule also requires facilities to electronically submit any revisions or withdrawals of previously submitted TRI reporting forms. Facilities may revise or withdraw TRI forms going back to reporting year (RY) 1991, but not for years prior to this.

Widespread use of TRI-MEweb improves the quality and accuracy of TRI data and allows EPA to get the data to the public faster. The majority of TRI facilities already submit their TRI forms electronically using TRI-MEweb.

Additional Resources

Final Rule (PDF)(9 pp, 254 K, About PDF)
Proposed Rule (PDF)(9 pp, 243 K, About PDF)
Public comments in online discussion forum


This rule applies to all facilities required to report to the TRI Program. Once the rule becomes effective, facilities submitting non-trade-secret TRI reporting forms for the 2013 TRI reporting year (forms due on July 1, 2014) or prior reporting years must report electronically.

The few facilities that submit trade secret TRI information will continue to submit their trade secret reporting forms and substantiation forms in hard copy, as well as any revisions or withdrawals of previously-submitted trade secret information.