10-Month Program
Date: September 5, 2016 - June 9, 2017

The Center's 10-month intensive program starts in September and ends in early June. Classes are conducted from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Wednesday afternoons are reserved for extra-curricular activities. The number of classes per week is reduced during the latter half of the program to accommodate the increase in specialized study (area studies) and tutorial instruction. Students admitted to the Center should be prepared to devote themselves full-time to language study. The workload does not leave time for dissertation research or for outside employment.

The Center's 10-month intensive program is divided into two parts. In the first half of the program, teaching is geared towards development of competence in constructing complex utterances and extended discourse, using Japanese accurately and appropriately in social settings, and expressing and understanding Japanese on general topics. This training provides a solid foundation for specialized, advanced language training. In the second half of the program, instruction centers on developing specialized language skills necessary for students to pursue their academic goals or professional work. Throughout the program, tutorial sessions are provided once a week for every student to deal with his or her particular linguistic problems, and to talk freely on topics of his or her choosing.

Click here to apply now.


Currently, the Center admits up to 60 students who (1) are degree candidates at a university or college, or graduates who intend to enroll in a graduate program or professional school after completing their Center training, or students who have already completed graduate or professional school training; (2) have demonstrated outstanding professional promise, as reflected by grades, recommendations, and statements of purpose; (3) have completed two years or more training in a rigorous college-level Japanese language training program or the equivalent; and (4) have obtained an acceptable score on the Inter-University Center Japanese Proficiency Test.

Admission to the IUC is based entirely on the student's academic qualifications and professional goals and is entirely independent of financial considerations, so no student should hesitate to apply to the Center because of concern over costs. Admissions are made without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, sexual preference, disability, or religious affiliation.

The Center's 10-month program is intended for students who are embarking on careers in some area of Japanese studies or a profession in which fluent Japanese is necessary. The Inter-University Committee encourages students to apply for admission early in their academic careers, when they can give their undivided attention to a mastery of the language that will be useful at later stages of professional training. The committee welcomes applications from graduating seniors who can demonstrate a mature commitment to a career relating to Japan. Graduate students, except those who have already received professional degrees in law or business, should be active candidates for an advanced degree. Those who have already established careers are welcome to apply to either the 10-month program or the shorter 7-week Summer Program described elsewhere on this site.

Click here to apply now.

Attendance Fees

Tuition for the 2016-17 Inter-University Center 10-month program has been set at $33,000. Students currently enrolled in a degree granting program and/or recently graduated from an IUC consortium member institution during the 2015-16 academic year will receive a tuition remission of $7,000 to attend the Inter-University Center during the 2016-2017 academic year. Fees are set each year and subject to change. Tuition payment is made directly to Stanford University through the Inter-University Center administrative office on the Stanford campus.

Click here to apply now.

Application Instructions and Forms

Application Deadline (postmarked by): January 15, 2016

Click here to view all application forms as well as detailed instructions

All Inter-University Center application forms are available in either Adobe Acrobat PDF or Microsoft Word. To view PDF files, download Adobe's free Acrobat Reader software.

The Selection and Awards Committee meet late March 2016. Applicants will be notified of their admission status via email prior to month end or shortly thereafter.

Stanford Administrative Office for delivery of 10-Month Application Materials:
Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI)
Encina Hall, Room C334
616 Serra Street
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Contact Information for 10-Month Program and Applications:
Email: iucjapan@stanford.edu
Web: http://www.stanford.edu/dept/IUC
Tel: 650-725-1490

Click here to view all application forms as well as detailed instructions

10-Month Program »
The Nippon Foundation Fellows Program »
Summer Program »
Summer Intensive Kanbun Program »
IUC Professional Tutorials »