Fingate Cash Handling & Deposits / Funds Management > Gift Transmittals > Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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  1.  I have a pledge and initial payment for the same new fund. Do I select "new fund" and create a PTA Request for each?

  2.  I have multiple gifts for the same new fund. Do I select "new fund" and create a PTA Request for each?

  3.  I received notification that a Gift Transmittal requires my attention. When I log into Gift Transmittal there was nothing in my queue. Is there something wrong?

  4.  The donor name I entered is incorrect. Is there a way for me to fix it?

  5.  The Postmark Date or Received Date I entered is incorrect. Is there a way for me to fix it?

  6.  When is a Conflict of Interest Form Required?

  7.  How do I request a new Capital Fund?

  8.  How do I grant or revoke access to a user in Gift Transmittals?

  9.  Why can't I find a gift transmittal I initiated?

10.  When submitting a gift transmittal, why are there are no approvers available for selection?

11.  The selected Department Approver is out of the office, but another Approver has already approved the Gift Transmittal. How can the selected Department Approver be removed from the workflow?

12.  How do I remove a Gift Transmittal that is a duplicate of an existing one?

13.  How do I attach another document into an existing gift that is currently being processed in the Gift Transmittals system?

14.  How do I have a Gift Transmittal returned to me?

15.  When completing the gift transmittal, I selected that this gift needs a new fund. However, after further review it has been determined that an existing fund may be used instead. How do I stop the new fund setup process?

16.  How do I find the Award Owning Org?

17.  What gifts are not processed through Gift Transmittals?

18.  How do I know which awards can be processed through Gift Transmittals?


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