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Lyle McDouchebag

Comment War

140,734 views 5 months ago
The Denizens of the Web encounter a disagreement and handle it maturely, as always.

Download on Bandcamp: http://lylemcdouchebag.band...
or iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us...

Chad Neidt: https://www.youtube.com/use...
Olivia Noelle: https://www.youtube.com/use...
James Bowman: https://www.youtube.com/use...

Lyrics: L: Unsubbed, disliked, and regret that I clicked
L: Cuz this video sucks the highest caliber of dick
C: Fuk U this video is awesome
C: u probably dont get it because ur retarded
L: No U this isnt even funny
L: youd have to be 11 to even watch this garbage
C: If U don't like it then just go away
L: screw u eat my shit, ur stupid and gay!
I don't have anything better to do
Than get mad cuz I'm disagreeing with you
there's no way of winning, no stakes or rewards
but you're too dumb for me to ignore!
L: I'm waging comment war!
C: I just went to ur page u like terrible shit
L: You put this in ur faves. U fucking hypocrite
C: lol no I didn't look again u fuking liar
L: you're such a pussy bitch i hope you die in a fire!
O: L-M-A-O why are you so mad
O: It's just a video, and you both overreact
O: You don't have to watch it, so shut your mouth
O: Nobody cares. Just chill the hell out
J: You fuckin' Virgin neckbeards all need to go outside
J: I guess that all you losers do is bitch and cry and whine
L: It's not my fault he started it!
J: watever go get laid! Your boyfriend here could suck your dick.
C: Hey fuck you dude no way!
J: Then why dont i give your mom a call?
O: O-M-F-G Im blocking you all
I don't have anything better to do
Than get mad cuz I'm disagreeing with you
there's no way of winning, no stakes or rewards
but you're too dumb for me to ignore!
L: This is a comment war!
This is a comment war!
L: And god isn't real.
C: What?
O: You cant prove that!
J: XD umad ujelly
O: seriously shut up
J: Thought u said u blocked me
C: cant u see hes changing the subject
L: Fine, let's do this! Time to get wrecked!
*epic solo battle*
I don't have anything better to do
Than get mad cuz I'm disagreeing with you
there's no way of winning, no stakes, no rewards
but you're too dumb for me to ignore!
L: It's all-out comment war!
*Lyle and chad start calling each other fag over and over again, the music devolves into awkward notes being hit as everything fades out* Show less
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