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Nice Peter

New Epic Rap Battles of History and Tour.

81,071 views 1 week ago
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Hi. My name is Nice Peter, it is 3:38 in the morning on a Sunday as I write these words, and this is a hello. I don't know what you are wearing, but I am wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a goat on it. I was hungry but then I ate a burger that was supposed to be saved for tomorrow's cast and crew party and now I just feel good. I watched the new Game of Thrones an hour ago, I don't like mayonnaise, and I truly appreciate you watching this video. Many new things are coming, and I hope perhaps one of them is getting to meet you at a show this summer. I spend a lot of time making music and rocking behind a computer, so I'm excited to spend time rocking and making music in a room with the people who make my life and my work possible, one of them is you, so... thank you. -nice peter Show less
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