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Perfect Puff and Endless Interviews: Touring and Hollywood Press Junkets

133,849 views 2 days ago
In which John travels the country with the cast of The Fault in Our Stars, meets tens of thousands of people, considers the difficulty of really engaging with people (including journalists) on the road, and meets Caroline, who saves the day. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us and the movie!

Thanks to @sunnyburleson for letting me use her footage of TFiOS TX: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Hank's album Incongruent is now on iTunes, and it's great: https://itunes.apple.com/us... Show less
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One of our favorite things to do is take a complicated issue and tease out the knot a little bit. By avoiding politics and taking a larger, top-down view, we try to tell a complete story much faster than cable news can even talk about an isolated event.
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