dharmacakra The Buddhist Community At Stanford

Welcome to BCAS

The Buddhist Community At Stanford was founded to support members of the Stanford community who are interested in learning about Buddhism and practising various forms of Buddhism and Buddhist meditation. BCAS provides opportunities on campus for everyone, regardless of religious affiliation and prior experience or knowledge, to engage with and learn more about what the many Buddhist traditions have to offer.

BCAS is not affiliated with any particular lineage or school of Buddhism and welcomes all students, staff, faculty and friends who are interested in or just curious about any aspect of Buddhism. All our events are open to everyone, and require no prior meditation experience or knowledge of Buddhism.

We hold a variety of events throughout the year, including daily sitting periods, meditation classes, Dharma talks from invited teachers, study groups, visits to local Buddhist centers, film screenings, social gatherings and discussions on different Buddhist philosophies as they relate to daily life. Please see our Activies page for more information, and get involved.