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Room Reservation Form

To check our availability, see the following calendars:

We cannot confirm reservations for future quarters until the month prior to the start of that quarter, so please submit reservation request forms according to that policy. 

Please fill out the Room Reservation Form.

You will hear back from us within 72 hours after submitting a reservation request. 

Please submit requests no less than 3 days before your event!

Email with inquiries.

Facilities and Equipment

The Black Community Services Center has the following items available for use:

  • 150 chairs and 5 rectangular tables (included in usage fee)
  • Podium (included in usage fee)
  • Projection Screen ($25 Fee)
  • High Definition Projector includes computer cables/adaptor ($50 Fee)
  • Speaker System ($50 Fee)

Effective January 1, 2013, the Black Community Services Center can be reserved by Stanford University Voluntary Student Organizations (VSOs) with room rental fees waived for the school year. However, there is a $25 non-refundable quarterly student usage fee required for each organization that covers utilities and maintenance of the buildings.

Room rentals are also available to non-student groups and community groups for the room rental fee.

Henry and Monique Brandon Family Community Room

Image of community room from above with rows of chairs

View of community room from podium with rows of chairs and an aisle down the center



The Black House Lounge

Image of lounge with couches and arm chairs