Lighting Equipment & Services

Lighting elements include artistic views of the event's performance, venue or architecture enhancements, support for presenters, audience assistance and event safety (parking areas, walkways, obstructions).

We recommend you consider...

  • Event venue, including whether inside or out
  • Audience size
  • Use of video recording
  • Stage performance lighting
  • Lighting of audience seating and walkways; or building accents
  • Work lights
  • Power requirements
  • Weather

Understanding our lighting equipment and services

Technology Tidbit:

  • Instruments: General name for theatrical lighting fixtures
  • Ellipsoidal reflector spotlight (ERS): Focusable instruments, with sharp, crisp edges
  • Pars: Wide, non-focusable instruments

Outdoor Events or Parking Lots: Our lighting options are very flexible, supporting indoor and outdoor events, in various brightness and configurations. Contact an Event Manager for more information.

Video Lighting System: Video and TV, such as for news conferences, have specific needs.

Spotlight on Lighting: Visit our pictures of lighting instruments which depicts several types of lighting and configurations.

Planning Assistance: We can help with these choices, especially in calculating the brightness needed, the type of fixtures, and the required electrical power. Prepare your service request and on the form ask for an event manager to contact you.

Large Events & Stage Performance - Indoor or Out: We have the equipment and expertise to provide lighting for venues throughout the campus including for concerts or special events.

Special Effects Lighting: We offer lighting for dances and the club scene.

Video Lighting System
Meets the brightness and color requirements of video, such as for a news conference.  
Video Lighting System - Lowell - 4 lights per stand with 2 stands (pictured at left) 70.00  
DJ Lighting

Special lighting effects for a dance or club scene.

The DJ Lighting System has several instruments for dramatic effects. You'll get a stand, with 4 colored spotlights and a controller that follows your music.

DJ Lighting System -  Stand with 4 lights, colored gels, and a controller to sequence the lights to your music. 70.00  
Starball II Light - Mirror-ball effect: 235 shafts of white light, 6 rpm 15.00  
Lighting Instruments
Stage Light - Ellipsoidal reflector spotlight (ERS) – A controlled, focused light - available where installed in theatrical venues 10.00  
Little Light - Small decorative spotlight - PAR MR16 5.25  
Worklight - Single Halogen flood, no stand – attaches with clamp. 9.00  
Worklights - Twin Halogen floods on a shared stand. (Pictured at left) 15.00  
Light stand - Ultimate Support brand with crossbar; quick adjustment 10.00  
Dimmers, Controllers
Lighting Dimmer - 4 channel, 4 instrument: 2.4Kwatts – Requires dimmer controller 45.00  
Lighting Dimmer Controller - 2 Scene  16x2 dimmable channels (1x32 or 2x16) – Controls lighting dimmer 60.00  
Lighting Dimmer Controller - 2 Scene  8x2 dimmable channels (1x16 or 2x8) – Controls lighting dimmer 40.00  
Single Circuit Dimmer - 1Kwatts 15.00