Events Tagged Daniel Martin
  • October 16, 2014 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

655 Knight Way, Stanford, CA 94305 United States

In this lecture, Dr. Daniel Martin will discuss his research associated with compassion.  This event is an hour-long lecture followed by questions from the audience. The talk will be recorded and posted to CCARE’s YouTube Channel and website several weeks after the event. Daniel E. Martin is an Associate Professor of Management at California State University, East Bay. Formerly (more…)

Kynded’s A Good Day in the Park presents: Compassion in the Workplace

Written By 41glucosamine
  • September 13, 2013 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

501 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 United States

CCARE’s Founder and Director, Dr. James Doty, and Visiting Associate Professor, Dr. Daniel Martin, will both be part of an expert panel to discuss compassion as a strength and not a weakness in the workplace due to long-term benefits of compassion already witnessed in the workplace.  Some benefits already reaped by compassion-embracing companies and organizations (more…)

Blog Posts Tagged Daniel Martin

A few years back, I was having a conversation with a brilliant Stanford student about crime maps. He suggested that a really cool use of mapping technology would be to map compassion. I thought to myself, that is a crazy idea, how would we do that? I shrugged it off and tried not to think about this issue, but it …


How many employees are scared at work? Is it fear of interacting with your boss, the new guy who may replace you, or dreading being laid off as a wonderfully nice but economically redundant employee? There are plenty of daily workplace interpersonal interactions that contribute to stress, the largest area of workers compensation claims, but an area that is not …


A few years ago, I had an interesting interaction with a colleague. She described the lay of the academic terrain in the following manner: “Asian students are more likely to plagiarize than White students.” When asked why, my colleague explained that this was a basic truism of academia, based on her many years of experience. This was an issue that …