How To

Dispose of equipment.

When assets become excess to the needs of the University or the Sponsored Project under which they were acquired, they must be declared excess and the disposition process initiated. Disposition is the process by which property owned by or otherwise accountable to Stanford is permanently removed from active University records. 

Department personnel must inform their Department Property Administrator when assets are no longer needed. The DPA is responsible for preparing the excess items for disposal and initiating the excess request. The Property Management Office approves and coordinates the physical collection and final disposition of all excess property from Stanford departments.

Key points in this process:

  • Department personnel are responsible to inform the DPA when items are no longer needed or require disposal

  • The DPA is then responsible to generate an excess request in a timely manner, and ensure items are protected and secured while disposition is pending

  • For items in operable condition, an attempt should be made to re-utilize within the University. See the Stanford University Reuse Website for details on reutilization for Stanford department use only

  • Non-Stanford owned equipment requires Sponsor approval prior to disposal

  • Prior to declaration of excess, departments are responsible for the removal of proprietary or sensitive data from all data-holding devices or equipment

  • Excess items must be processed for disposal via PMO procedures

  • Sales must be processed through Surplus Property Sales (SPS)



For more information, please contact:

Dunn, Stan

Associate Director

Property Management Office

(650) 725-0081

Filed under Equipment

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