How do I submit the other support information to NIH?

NIH does not request this information at the time of proposal. Instead, NIH will ask you to submit  the other support information via a mechanism called the Just in Time (JIT) process.

 If a decision is made to fund a proposal application, the assigned Institute and Center (IC) at NIH will notify the PI and the Institutional Official via e-mail (see sample e-mail) to request other support information PRIOR to making an award. 

NIH provides detailed instructions (pages 38-43, sections III-6 through III-12), a template in MS Word, as well as a sample Other Support document to use as a reference. Use the template to format the information on Other support report from SeRA. 

The information is submitted electronically to NIH via their electronic portal (eRA Commons)

Items required  for NIH Other Support 

Sample scenarios

 Scenario 1: Stanford faculty member with the role of PI in an ongoing NIH project. 

  • Information from SeRA's Other support-NIH report: 

Zare, Richard

5R21DA03957802 (Zare, Richard N - Project 115652)


0.00 academic

National Institutes of Health


0.50 summer

High Spatiotemporal Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Single Cell Analysis

  • In NIH's Format: 

Other support



5R21 MH106122-02 (Zare) / SPO 115652           9/1/2014 – 8/31/2015           0.00 academic

NIH/NIMH                                                                     $126,979                      0.03 summer

High Spatiotemporal Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Single Cell Analysis

The major goal of this project is to understand how the brain works by looking at individual cells and mapping out their chemical composition. This proposal uses a new form of mass spectrometry which we have invented.



  • The amount to include is the annual direct costs for the latest budget period. 
  • Double check the current effort by checking the labor distribution report. In this scenario, the PI's effort has decreased from what was originally proposed. 
  • Remember that a reduction of 25% or more in the committed level of effort requires prior approval from NIH for anyone that is named key personnel in the project. 
  • Get a description of the major goals from the proposal's project summary. 

Scenario 2: Stanford faculty member listed as a Co-PI or Co-Investigator on another's Stanford PI's project.

  • Information from SeRA's Other Support-NIH report:

Zare, Richard

5R01CA18438402 (Felsher, Dean - Project 111922)


0.45 academic

National Institutes of Health


0.06 summer

Prognostic Metabolic Signatures of Cancers through Mass Spectrometry Imaging


Major Goals:

  • In NIH's format:



5R01 CA 184384-02 (Felsher) / SPO 111922          4/4/2014 – 2/28/2019       0.45 academic

NIH/NCI                                                                             $324,222                 0.06 summer

Prognostic Metabolic Signatures of Cancers through Mass Spectrometry Imaging

The major goal of this project is to relate the lipid molecule profile from cancerous and noncancerous tissue and relate that to the oncogene giving rise to the tumor.

  • The name of the main PI appears next to the award number.
  • NIH guidelines require for the annual direct costs for the overall project's current budget period to be listed in the current and pending support of any senior/key personnel regardless of how much each individual contributor may receive as part of their participation in the project. 
  • If at any time, a faculty member serving as a Co-I requests to list his/her portion of the current budget's annual direct costs, this can be done by listing the amount under the overall project amount, e.g. ($160,000, Zare, R. portion only) or  in the narrative at the end of the major goals. 

Scenario 3: Stanford's PI on a Subcontract from another institution. 

  • Information from SeRA's Other Support Report- NIH report:

Altman, Russ

8316sc (Altman, Russ B - Project 112198)


0.12 calendar

Prime Sponsor: National Institutes of Health


University of California, San Francisco



UCSF-Stanford Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation


Major Goals:

  • In NIH's Format:



5U01FD004979-2 (PI: Giacomini, Kathleen)/SPO 112198         04/15/2014 03/31/2017        0.12 calendar FDA / UCSF subcontract                                                 $107,288

UCSF-Stanford Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation

Goal: Stanford will engage in research collaborations with UCSF and FDA scientists to pursue projects in the area of regulatory science, with a focus on informatics.

Support provided under a consortium/contractual arrangement or as part of a multi-project award needs to indicate the project number, PD/PI and source of the overall project and provide all other information for the subproject only. 

Scenario 4: PI with a Program Project Grant. 

  • Information from SeRA's Other Support-NIH report

Snyder, Michael

5P01GM09913005 (Snyder, Michael - Project 51576)
National Institutes of Health
Longtiudinal Epigenomic Tracking of the Reprogramming Process
Major Goals: 
09/15/2011 - 08/31/2016
(Subs: $564,323)
1.32 calendar 
  • In NIH's Format:



P01 GM09913002 (Snyder)/SPO 51576         09/15/11 – 08/31/16             1.00 calendar  

NIH                                                                        $1,629,158

                                                                                $1,064,835 (Stanford only)

Longitudinal Epigenomic Tracking of the Reprogramming Process

The major goal of this project is to discover features associated with successful and abortive de-differentiation of iPSC’s to form the basis by which reprogramming can be improved, both in efficiency and differentiation potential, by molecular manipulations. 

  • The amount to be listed in the Other Support for a PPG project is the total annual direct costs for the current budget year.
  • The PI can choose to show the Stanford portion of the project under the total amount. 
  • Since the SeRA Other Support report calls out the dollar amount for subaward, a statement can be added to the narrative at the end of the major goals if desired, e.g. (Note: $564,323 of the current year's annual direct costs will be allocated to subawards).


Filed under Other Support

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