Where do I find my PI's current and pending support information?

The information required for other support (also known as current and pending support) is available from the SeRA system. 

Follow these  three steps to get the report for your faculty serving as as senior/key  personnel in a project. 

  1. Go to SeRA
  2. Select Reports

  1.  Click on other support-general or other support-NIH (provides the current and pending support information in the NIH format).


Sample Other Support-General


Sample Other Support-NIH Format 


The other support report in SeRA includes three sections:

  1. The active section lists all awarded projects for that PI.
  2. The pending section shows pending projects with completed proposals, with contingently approved proposals and with awards in process. The report filters out Training Grants and any pending proposals with proposed start date older than 24 months.
  3. The expired report lists project that have ended or have had no activity within the last 36 months.

The report can be downloaded as a MS Word or Excel document so it can be easily edited to make it comply with the sponsor's required format. (see two other questions under this How to section for format information regarding NIH and NSF). 

  • Use this information as the starting point for preparing the Current and Pending Support. Edit as necessary, deleting rejected proposals.  
  • Remember that the information in this report is based on the data entered at the time of proposal.
  • For effort, you may have to check the labor distribution report for each of the projects listed in the Other Support Report for variance and accuracy.
  • Make sure to follow the sponsor's format. Some of the commonly required fields are: project title, sponsor, period of performance, person months, amount of award (or amount requested).


Filed under Other Support

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