Computing to Support Research

The Stanford Research Computing Center (SRCC) is a joint effort of the Dean of Research and IT Services to build and support a comprehensive program to advance computational research at Stanford. That includes offering and supporting traditional high performance computing (HPC) systems, as well as systems for high throughput and data intensive computing. The SRCC also helps researchers transition their analyses and models from the desktop to more capable and plentiful resources, providing the opportunity to explore their data and answer research questions at a scale typically not possible on desktops or departmental servers. Partnering with units like ICME (Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering) as well as the NSF XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment) program and vendors, the SRCC offers training and learning opportunities around HPC tools and technologies.


Questions about this topic can be answered by:

Marinshaw, Ruth

Chief Technology Officer - Research Computing

Stanford Research Computing

(650) 736-9372

Stanford Research Computing Resources

Need access to compute resources beyond your desktop to support your sponsored or departmental research? You may want to try out the Stanford Sherlock cluster. Sherlock is a high performance computing (HPC) cluster administered by theStanford Research Computing Center. It is available to all Stanford faculty for their research. There are 127 shared servers available to all researchers, and more than 500 additional servers available to Sherlock owners, faculty who have augmented the cluster with their own purchases.

Visit the Sherlock Cluster site 

In addition a variety of computer clusters are run by Stanford schools and departments. For example, the SRCC (Stanford Research Computing Center) manages HPC clusters for the Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine,  the Army HPC Research Center, and the School of Humanities & Sciences, as well as for individual PIs or labs. 

Visit the SRCC site

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External High Performance Computing Resources

Campus resources are varied and growing. They may well meet your needs.  But what if you need more compute, need to run larger jobs, need to manipulate more data than local systems can accommodate?  The SRCC can help link you to national compute resources, such as the OpenScience Grid and the NSF-funded XSEDE program.  Or help you decide whether cloud computing could/should be in your portfolio of compute platforms.  Contact us at and let's start the conversation.

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Stanford Computing News Article

View the Stanford News article on Stanford Computing.

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