Ahmad al-Tifashi

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Ahmad al-Tifashi (or Ahmad ibn Yusuf al-Tīfāchī), born in Tunisia (circa 1184- died 1253) was an Arabic poet, writer, and anthologist.

Little is known of his life. He appears to have lived mostly in Tunis, Cairo, and Damascus, although he may even have been nomadic. He was highly educated and cultured. He compiled a 12-chapter anthology of Arabic poetry and jokes about erotic and sexual practices, that featured both heterosexual and homoerotic entries with a bias towards the latter.

A French translation, based on an Arabic copy held in Paris, was published as Les Delices des coeurs par Ahmad al-Tifachi (1971 and 1981).

A scholarly translation of the homoerotic sections was published in English as The Delight of Hearts "A Promenade of the Hearts", or What You Will Not Find In Any Book (1988).

al-Tifashi also wrote several treatises concerned with sexual hygiene, one of which is preserved in a copy at The National Library of Medicine. He is, however, primarily known for his lapidary, which was the most famous and most comprehensive medieval Arabic treatise on the use of minerals. It covers 25 gems and minerals in great detail, giving medicine and magical uses for each as well as some Persian etymologies of the names. It is preserved in numerous manuscript copies and was used by many subsequent writes.

[edit] Sources

For his life and writings, see:

  • J. Ruska and O. Kahl, "Tifashi" in The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edition, ed. by H.A.R. Gibbs, B. Lewis, Ch. Pellat, C. Bosworth et al., 11 vols. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1960-2002), vol. 10, p. 476
  • Manfred Ullmann, Die Medizin im Islam, Handbuch der Orientalistik, Abteilung I, Erg?nzungsband vi, Abschnitt 1 (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1970), p. 196
  • C. Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, Supplement, 3 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1937-1942). vol. 1, p. 904.