Ali Abunimah

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Ali Hasan Abunimah (Arabic: علي حسن ابو نعمه‎) (born December 29, 1971) is a Palestinian American journalist and co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a not-for-profit, independent[citation needed] online publication about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Born in Washington D.C., he spent his early years in the United Kingdom and Belgium before returning to the United States to attend college. His mother is originally from the village of Lifta, now controlled by Israel, but became a refugee in the 1948 Palestinian exodus.[citation needed] His father is from the village of Battir, now in the West Bank, and is a former Jordanian diplomat who served as ambassador to the United Nations.

Abunimah is a graduate of Princeton University and the University of Chicago and is a frequent speaker and commentator on the Middle East, contributing regularly to the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times among other publications. He lives in Chicago, Illinois. He has also served as the Vice-President on the Board of Directors of the Arab American Action Network.

He is a fellow at the Palestine Center.[1]

In 2002, Mr. Abunimah had a debate with opposing political commentator Daniel Pipes on a BBC Radio program. [2]

[edit] Published Work

Abunimah is author of the book One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, which proposes to revive the idea of one state shared by two peoples.

In response to the December 2008 bombings of Gaza he wrote the article in The Guardian: "We have no words left".[3] In the article, Abunimah commented about the end of the truce: "But what is Israel's idea of a truce? It is very simple: Palestinians have the right to remain silent while Israel starves them, kills them and continues to violently colonise their land" and "any act of resistance including the peaceful protests against the apartheid wall in the West Bank is always met by Israeli bullets and bombs. There are no rockets launched at Israel from the West Bank, and yet Israel's extrajudicial killings, land theft, settler pogroms and kidnappings never stopped for a day during the truce."

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ali Abunimah, ABUNIMAH: Obama's ambiguity, What it reveals about Mideast 'peace', Washington Times, November 13, 2008.
  2. ^ [ Two Years of Intifada from Up All Night - BBC Radio Five Live September 29, 2002|accessed=2010-04-11]
  3. ^ Abunimah, Ali (2008-12-29). "We have no words left". Comment is free (The Guardian). Retrieved 2008-12-31. 

[edit] External links
