Joe Arpaio

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Joe Arpaio
Born Joseph M. Arpaio
June 14, 1932 (1932-06-14) (age 77)
Springfield, Massachusetts
Occupation Law Enforcement

Joseph M. "Joe" Arpaio (born June 14, 1932) is an American law enforcement officer, and the sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona. Arpaio, who promotes himself as "America's Toughest Sheriff,"[1][2] has become controversial for his approach to operating the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office.


[edit] History and law enforcement background

Arpaio was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. Arpaio's mother died while giving birth to him, and Arpaio was raised by his father, a grocery store owner. Arpaio completed high school and worked in his father's business until age 18 when he enlisted in the United States Army.[3] Arpaio served in the Army from 1950 to 1954 in the Medical Detachment Division and was stationed in France for part of the time as a military police officer.[4]

Following his Honorable Discharge from the Army in 1954, Arpaio moved to Washington, D.C. and became a police officer, moving in 1957 to Las Vegas, Nevada. He served as a Police Officer in Las Vegas, Nevada for six months before being appointed as a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, which later became part of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).[5] During his 25-year tenure with the DEA, he was stationed in both Turkey and Mexico, and advanced through the ranks to the position of head of the DEA's Arizona branch.[6]

In 1992, Arpaio successfully campaigned for the office of Maricopa County Sheriff. The citizens of Maricopa County re-elected him in 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008.[7]

Arpaio married Ava Arpaio in 1958. Arpaio and his wife have two children and four grandchildren.[8]

[edit] Actions as Maricopa County Sheriff

During his tenure as Maricopa County Sheriff, Arpaio has instituted or strengthened several of the following crime prevention programs:[9]

  • bicycle registration
  • block watches
  • child identification and fingerprinting
  • Operation Identification (for marking valuables)
  • Operation Notification (which identifies business owners to be notified during times of emergency)
  • Project Lifeline (which provides free cellular phones to domestic violence victims)
  • S.T.A.R.S. (Sheriffs Teaching Abuse Resistance to Students)
  • an annual summer camp for kids near Payson.

In late 2008 and early 2009, Arpaio appeared in Smile...You're Under Arrest!, a three-episode Fox Reality Channel series in which persons with outstanding warrants were tricked into presenting themselves for arrest.[10]

[edit] Changes to jail operations

Arpaio began to serve inmates surplus food and limited meals to twice daily.[11] He also banned inmates from possessing "sexually explicit material" including Playboy magazine after female officers complained that inmates openly masturbated while viewing them, or harassed the officers by comparing their anatomy to the nude photos in the publications. The ban was challenged on First Amendment grounds but upheld by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.[12]

In February 2007, Arpaio instituted an in-house radio station he calls KJOE.[13] Arpaio's radio station broadcasts classical music, opera, Frank Sinatra hits, patriotic music and educational programming. It operates from the basement of the county jail for five days a week, four hours each day.

[edit] Tent City

Arpaio set up a "Tent City" as an extension of the Maricopa County Jail (33°25′40″N 112°07′26″W / 33.42778°N 112.12389°W / 33.42778; -112.12389 (Maricopa County Jail)). Tent City is located in a yard next to a more permanent structure containing toilets, showers, an area for meals, and a day room.[14] It has become notable particularly because of Phoenix's extreme temperatures.

During the summer of 2003, when outside temperatures exceeded 110 °F (43 °C), Arpaio said to complaining inmates, "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents, have to wear full body armor, and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths."[15]

Tent City is criticized by groups contending that there are violations of human and constitutional rights.[16]

[edit] Volunteer chain gangs

In 1995, Arpaio reinstituted chain gangs. In 1996, Arpaio expanded the chain gang concept by instituting female volunteer chain gangs.[17] Female inmates work seven hours a day (7 a.m. to 2 p.m.), six days a week. He has also instituted the world's first all-juvenile volunteer chain gang; volunteers earn high school credit toward a diploma.[18]

[edit] Pink underwear

One of Arpaio's most visible public relations actions was the introduction of pink underwear, which the Maricopa County Sheriff's website cites as being "world famous."[19] Arpaio subsequently started to sell customized pink boxers (with the Maricopa County Sheriff's logo and "Go Joe") as a fund-raiser for Sheriff's Posse Association. Despite allegations of misuse of funds received from these sales, Arpaio declined to provide an accounting for the money [20].

Arpaio's success in gaining press coverage with the pink underwear resulted in him extending the use of the color. He introduced pink handcuffs, using the event to promote his book, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, America's Toughest Sheriff.[21]

[edit] Selective Service registration and organ donors

In 2001, Arpaio led the way as the first sheriff that requires all inmates 18 years and older to register for the Selective Service System. Registration is required by federal law for all U.S. males between 18 and 26 years of age, as well as for resident aliens of the same age regardless of their immigration status. Since 2001, a total of 28,000 inmates (including 9,000 aliens) have registered for Selective Service.[22][23]

The Sheriff also started the "Have a Heart" program in which inmates may volunteer to be organ donors.[23]

[edit] Sheriff's Posse

One of the most successful programs maintained by Arpaio is the all-volunteer civilian Posse program. Though Maricopa County operated the Posse for 50 years prior to Arpaio's election, Arpaio greatly expanded the program through heavy recruiting. The volunteers perform many duties for the sheriff's office:

  • search and rescue
  • emergency communications
  • prisoner transport
  • traffic control
  • backup for sworn deputies
  • office administrative duties
  • Holiday Mall Patrol (which provides motorist assistance and security for shoppers during the holiday shopping season)
  • deadbeat parent details targeting men and women with outstanding arrest warrants for failure to pay child support.

[edit] Lawsuits filed by Joe Arpaio and the MCSO

On December 2, 2009 County Attorney Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Arpaio filed a federal lawsuit alleging racketeering charges against four judges, as well as various private attorneys, all current members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and some county managers. [24]

On March 11, 2010, Arpaio announced that “the Department of Justice Office of Public Integrity in Washington, D.C. has agreed to review allegations of corruption involving the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and judicial officials and others. RICO complaints previously filed by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office were formally withdrawn so as not to duplicate or hinder the Department of Justice review or any additional investigation necessary.” [25]

On March 13,2010, in a letter send to Arpaio’s lawyer, Robert Driscoll of Alston & Bird LLP, Raymond N. Hulser, Acting Chief, Department of Justice, Office of Public Integrity Section, responded that he was "dismayed to learn that (the Sheriff's Office's) mere referral of information to the Public Integrity Section was cited and relied upon in a pleading in federal court, and then used as a platform for a press conference." Mr. Husler also noted in this letter that no review of the materials would be undertaken by the Public Integrity Section.[26] [27]

[edit] Controversy

In 2005, the Arizona state legislature passed a state law making it a felony, punishable by up to two years in jail, to smuggle illegal aliens across the border. While already a federal crime, Arizona’s law, also known as the “Coyote law”, made it legal for local police to enforce immigration law and also classified persons being smuggled as co-conspirators subject to penalties as laid out in the law.[28].

Arpaio has instructed his sheriff's deputies and members of his civilian posse to arrest illegal aliens. Arpaio told the Washington Times, "My message is clear: if you come here and I catch you, you're going straight to jail.... I'm not going to turn these people over to federal authorities so they can have a free ride back to Mexico. I'll give them a free ride to my jail."[29]

On March 3, 2009, the United States Department of Justice "notified Arpaio of the investigation in a letter saying his enforcement methods may unfairly target Hispanics and Spanish-speaking people" [30] Arpaio denied any wrongdoing and stated that he welcomed the investigation, and would cooperate fully.[31] By May, 2009, Arpaio had hired a Washington D.C. lobbyist, who wrote to Obama administration officials suggesting that the decision to probe Arpaio had been driven by political rivalries and score settling.[32] In July, 2009, Arpaio publicly stated that he would not cooperate with the investigation.[33]

In October 2009, the Department of Homeland Security removed the authority of Arpaio's 160 federally trained deputies to make immigration arrests in the field. Despite the actions of the Department of Homeland Security, Arpaio has maintained that he will still pursue illegal aliens under Arizona state law.[34]

[edit] Federal Investigations

In March 2009, the United States Department of Justice notified Arpaio of that they were investigating him for civil rights violations, in unfairly targeting Hispanics and Spanish-speaking people.[30]

In October 2009, it was reported that the FBI was investigating Arpaio for using his position to settle political vendettas.[35]

In January 2010, it was reported that the Department of Justice has impaneled a grand jury to investigate allegations of abuse of power by Arpaio.[36]

In March 2010, it was reported that an investigation into Arpaio is "serious and ongoing", according to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. [37]

[edit] Improper clearance of MCSO cases

New reports show that, under Arpaio, the MCSO may be improperly clearing as many as 75% of cases without arrest or proper investigation.[38][39][40][41] The sheriff's office has failed to properly investigate serious crimes, including the rape of a 14 year old girl by classmates,[42][43] the rape of a 15 year old girl by two strangers,[44][45] and the rape of a 13 year old girl by her father.[44][46] These cases were "exceptionally cleared" without investigation or even identifying a suspect in one case which are not in accordance with the FBI standards for exceptional clearance.[44][47] The case of the 15 year old girl, the case was closed within one month and before DNA testing was even complete, the 13 year old's because her mother didn't want to "to pursue this investigation," and the 14 year old's because a suspect declined to come in for questioning.[42][44] In a statement to ABC15, the Sheriff's Office claimed, "The Goldwater Institute’s report cites the FBI’s Uniform Code Reporting handbook, which is a voluntary crime-reporting program to compile statistical information and reports. The UCR is not intended for oversight on how law enforcement agencies clear cases...The Sheriff’s Office has its own criteria for clearing cases."[48]

In an interview on the ABC Nightline news program, when asked to explain why 82 percent of cases were declared cleared by exception, Arpaio said "We do clear a higher percentage of that. I know that. We clear many, many cases -- not 18 percent." Nightline contacted the MCSO after the interview and was told that of 7,346 crimes, only 944, or 15%, had been cleared by arrest.[49]

[edit] Webcasts of pretrial detainees

Starting in July 2000, the Maricopa County Sheriff's website hosted Jail Cam, a 24-hour Internet webcast of images from cameras in the Madison Street Jail, a facility which processed and housed only pretrial detainees. The stated goals of the broadcasts were the deterrence of future crime and improved public scrutiny of jail procedures. The cameras showed arrestees being brought in handcuffed, fingerprinted, booked, and taken to holding cells; with the site receiving millions of hits per day.[50] Twenty-four former detainees brought suit against the Sheriff's office, arguing that their Fourteenth Amendment rights of due process had been violated.

U.S. District Court Judge Earl H. Carroll held in favor of the former detainees, issuing an injunction ending the webcasts. By a 2 to 1 vote, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the injunction, with the majority opinion stating:

... Second, Sheriff Arpaio argues that the cameras are justified by the County’s interest in having its pretrial detention centers open to public scrutiny. We have given prison officials wide latitude in administering pretrial detention facilities, in guaranteeing detainees’ attendance at trial, and in promoting prison safety. But we fail to see how turning pretrial detainees into the unwilling objects of the latest reality show serves any of these legitimate goals. As the Supreme Court has recognized, "[i]nmates . . . are not like animals in a zoo to be filmed and photographed at will by the public or by media reporters, however ‘educational’ the process may be for others.[51][52]

In his dissenting opinion, Circuit Judge Carlos Bea wrote:

... What the majority avoids—perhaps because of the all-too-predictable result—is to ask the question basic to any review questioning the validity of governmental action under a rational basis analysis: were the webcasts reasonably related to the purpose of deterring public behavior that could result in pretrial detention? The answer clearly is Yes. ... Similarly unexamined is the Sheriff’s purpose of providing transparency of jail operations as a civic good.
Sheriff Arpaio’s methods to achieve his purposes of public deterrence and governmental transparency may not suit the fine sensibilities of some group advocates and jurists. But absent a violation of the constitutional rights of Plaintiffs—and I see none—such differences of opinion must be vindicated, if at all, in the ballot box, not in the courtroom.[52]

The US Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of the case. Ultimately, Maricopa County was required to pay the detainees' legal costs and damages.[53]

[edit] Loss of Jail Accredidation

Under Arpaio, the Maricopa County Jails have lost accreditation multiple times.[54] In September, 2008, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care terminated the health care accreditation of all Maricopa County Sheriff's Office jails for failure to maintain compliance with national standards, and providing false information about such compliance. [55][56] In October, 2008, a U.S. district court judge ruled that the grossly inadequate conditions at the Maricopa County Jail, overseen by Arpaio, are unconstitutional and jeopardize the health and safety of prisoners.[57]

[edit] Inmate complaints and Lawsuits

From 2004 through November 2007, Arpaio was the target of 2,150 lawsuits in U.S. District Court and hundreds more in Maricopa County courts, with more than $50 million in claims being filed,[58] 50 times as many prison-conditions lawsuits as the New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston jail systems combined.[59] Allegations of cruel treatment of inmates as well as living conditions have been cited by Amnesty International in a report issued on the treatment of inmates in Maricopa County facilities.[60]

[edit] Recidivism

In 1998, Arpaio commissioned a study, by Arizona State University criminal justice professor Marie L. Griffin, to examine recidivism rates based on conditions of confinement. Comparing recidivism rates under Arpaio to those under his predecessor, the study found "there was no significant difference in recidivism observed between those offenders released in 1989-1990 and those released in 1994-1995."[61]

[edit] Inmate deaths and injuries

Family members of inmates who have died or been injured in jail custody have filed lawsuits against the sheriff’s office. Maricopa County has paid more than $43 million in settlement claims during Arpaio's tenure. [62]

[edit] Charles Agster

In August 2001, Charles Agster, a 33-year-old mentally handicapped man, died in the county jail three days after being forced by sheriff's officers into a restraint chair used for controlling combative arrestees. Agster's parents had been taking him to a psychiatric hospital because he was exhibiting paranoia, then called police when he refused to leave a convenience store where they had stopped enroute. Officers took Agster to the Madison Street jail, placed a "spit hood" over his face and strapped him to the chair, where he had an apparent seizure and lost consciousness. He was declared brain dead three days later. A medical examiner later concluded that Agster died of complications of methamphetamine intoxication. In a subsequent lawsuit, an attorney for the sheriff's office described the amount of methamphetamine in Agster's system as 17 times the known lethal dose. The lawsuit resulted in a $9 million jury verdict against the county, the sheriff's office, and Correctional Health Services.[63]

[edit] Scott Norberg

One major controversy includes the 1996 death of inmate Scott Norberg, a former Brigham Young University football wide receiver, who died while in custody of the Sheriff's office.[64] Norberg was arrested for assaulting a police officer in Mesa, Arizona, after neighbors in a residential area had reported a delirious man walking in their neighborhood.[65] Arpaio's office repeatedly claimed Norberg was also high on methamphetamine, but a blood toxicology performed post-mortem was inconclusive. According to a toxological report, Norberg did have methamphetamine in his urine, though "there would be no direct effect caused by the methamphetamine on Norberg's behavior at the time of the incident".[66] During his internment, evidence suggests detention officers shocked Norberg several times with a stun-gun. According to an investigation by Amnesty International, Norberg was already handcuffed and face down when officers dragged him from his cell and placed him in a restraint chair with a towel covering his face. After Norberg's corpse was discovered, detention officers accused Norberg of attacking them as they were trying to restrain him. The cause of his death, according to the Maricopa County medical examiner, was due to "positional asphyxia". Sheriff Arpaio investigated and subsequently cleared detention officers of any criminal wrongdoing.[67]

Norberg’s parents filed a lawsuit against Arpaio and his office. The lawsuit was settled for $8.25 million (USD).[68]

[edit] Brian Crenshaw

Brian Crenshaw was a legally blind and mentally disabled inmate who suffered fatal injuries while being held in Maricopa County Jail for shoplifting. The injuries that led to his death were initially blamed on a fall from his bunk but were later alleged to have been the result of a brutal beating by jail guards on March 7, 2003.[69] A lawsuit filed in the Maricopa County Superior Court of Arizona by the lawyer for Crenshaw's family stated:

An external examination report of the Maricopa County Medical Examiners Office concluded that Brian's death was caused by "complications of blunt force trauma due to a fall." This conclusion was reached largely on the [Maricopa County Sheriffs Office]'s relation of their "history" of Brian's injuries to the Medical Examiner's Office; a history that included the MCSO's implausible story that all of Brian's injuries were caused by a fall from his cell bed. The Maricopa County Medical Examiner conducted no autopsy; nor was the Maricopa County Medical Examiner informed by MCSO or [the Correctional Health Services] about Brian's beating on March 7, 2003 and/or related events. An independent autopsy report later narrowed the cause of Brian's death to peritonitis and sepsis secondary to the duodenal perforation. A fall from Brian's 4-foot, 2 inch bunk could not have simultaneously caused a broken neck, broken toes, and a duodenal perforation.[70]

The lawsuit against Arpaio and his office resulted in an award of $2 million.[69] As in the Scott Norberg case, it was alleged that Arpaio's office destroyed evidence in the case. In the Crenshaw case, the attorney who represented the case before a jury alleged digital video evidence was destroyed.[71]

[edit] Richard Post

Richard Post was a paraplegic inmate arrested in 1996 for possession of marijuana and criminal trespass. Post was placed in a restraint chair by guards and his neck was broken in the process. The event, caught on video, shows guards smiling and laughing while Post is being injured. Because of his injuries, Post has lost much of the use of his arms.[72] Post settled his claims against the Sheriff's office for $800,000.[73]

[edit] Conflicts with local news media

In July 2004, the Phoenix New Times published Arpaio's home address in the context of a story about his real estate dealings. In October, 2007, a Maricopa County special prosecutor served Village Voice Media, the Phoenix New Times' corporate parent, with a subpoena ordering it to produce "all documents" related to the original real estate article, as well as the IP addresses of all visitors to the Phoenix New Times website since January 1, 2004. The Phoenix New Times then published the contents of the subpoena on October 18.[74] Phoenix New Times editors Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin were arrested and jailed by Maricopa Sheriff's Deputies on misdemeanor charges of revealing grand jury secrets after the publication of the subpoena.[75] On the following day, the county attorney dropped the case and fired the special prosecutor.[76][77]

On November 28, 2007, it was ruled that the subpoenas were not validly issued [78] and in April 2008, the New Times editors filed suit against Arpaio, County Attorney Andrew Thomas and Special Prosecutor Dennis Wilenchik.[79]

In 2009, the East Valley Tribune ran a series of articles that criticized the Maricopa County sheriff for a decline in normal police protection due to an increased focus towards arresting illegal immigrants.[80] The five-part series titled “Reasonable Doubt,” which received a Pulitzer Prize for local reporting, described "slow emergency response times and lax criminal enforcement." [81]

On December 23, 2009, the Arizona Republic published an editorial titled “The Conspiracy that won’t stop.” The Editorial Board referenced a published letter written by The Yavapai County Attorney, Sheila Polk, titled “Arpaio, Thomas are abusing power” ”[82] in which Polk was critical of Arpaio. The Editorial Board claimed that “As a result of stepping forward, Polk now may join the fast-growing list of Arizona public officials forced to defend themselves against criminal investigations for the "crime" of having upset Arpaio and Thomas.”[83]

[edit] Critical organizations

Arpaio's practices have been criticized by organizations such as Amnesty International,[60] the American Civil Liberties Union, the Arizona Ecumenical Council, the American Jewish Committee,[84] and the Arizona chapter of the Anti-Defamation League.[85] The editorial board of The New York Times called Arpaio "America's Worst Sheriff".[86]

[edit] Election results

[edit] 2008 election results

2008 Maricopa County Sheriff's Office election, Arizona [87]
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Republican Joe Arpaio (incumbent) 730,426 55.2
Democratic Dan Saban 558,176 42.2
Libertarian Chris A.H. Will 35,425 2.7
Republican hold Swing

[edit] 2004 election results

2004 Maricopa County Sheriff's Office election, Arizona [87]
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Republican Joe Arpaio (incumbent) 642,923 56.74 -9.75
Democratic Robert Ayala 347,981 30.71 +4.32
n/a Steven W. Martin 142,296 12.56 n/a
Majority 294,942 26.03 -14.07
Turnout 1,133,200 +131.71
Republican hold Swing

[edit] 2000 election results

2000 Maricopa County Sheriff's Office election, Arizona [87]
Party Candidate Votes % ±%
Republican Joe Arpaio (incumbent) 572,063 66.49 n/a
Democratic Robert Ayala 227,055 26.39 n/a
Independent Tom Bearup 60,401 7.02 n/a
n/a Write-in candidate 825 0.1 n/a
Majority 345,008 40.1 n/a
Turnout 860,344
Republican hold Swing

[edit] 2007 Failed Recall petition

In November 2007 a group calling itself Arizonans for the U.S. Constitution and Recall of Joe Arpaio filed the paperwork to begin an effort to recall Arpaio and County Prosecutor Andrew P. Thomas from office for allegedly disobeying and violating the United States Constitution and abuse of power.[88] Their petition to get a recall question for the two officials onto the next general election ballot failed when the group was unable to collect the more than 200,000 registered voter signatures required.[89] In a survey taken by the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication while the petition was in circulation, nearly three out of four respondents opposed the recall, and 65 percent of the respondents held a positive opinion of Arpaio.[90]

[edit] Books

  • Joe Arpaio and Len Sherman, America's Toughest Sheriff: How We Can Win the War Against Crime, (1996). Summit Publishing Group, ISBN 1-56530-202-8
  • Joe Arpaio and Len Sherman, Joe's Law: America's Toughest Sheriff Takes on Illegal Immigration, Drugs, and Everything Else that Threatens America, (2008). AMACOM, ISBN 0-81440-199-6

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Another Plot Against Tough Sheriff, With a Twist". New York Times. 2002-05-16. 
  2. ^ The original source for the sobriquet "America's Toughest Sheriff" is unknown, however both Arpaio and his press relations staff aggressively promote its use. Note Arpaio's book, titled "America's Toughest Sheriff."
  3. ^ "Growing up." Joe Arpaio. Accessed October 29, 2008.
  4. ^ "Joining the Army." Joe Arpaio. Accessed October 29, 2008.
  5. ^ [1]
  6. ^ "DEA Officer." Joe Arpaio. Accessed October 29, 2008.
  7. ^ "Maricopa County Election Results". Retrieved 2008-08-26. 
  8. ^ "Ava." Joe Arpaio. Accessed October 29, 2008.
  9. ^ Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (June 18, 2008), Crime Prevention Programs for Kids and Adults,,, retrieved 2008-06-18 
  10. ^ David Carr (January 4, 2009). "A Star Turn for a Sheriff on Fox TV". The New York Times. 
  11. ^
  12. ^ "Mauro v Arpaio". FindLaw. August 17, 1999. 
  13. ^ "Arpaio Launches KJOE Radio". 2007-02-05. Retrieved 2008-08-20. 
  14. ^ The Honorable Jeffrey S. Cates, Judge (September 26, 2002), Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County, Cause No. CV 97-008668, 
  15. ^ Ananda Shorey (July 25, 2003), Phoenix is sizzling through what could be the hottest July on record,,, retrieved 2007-10-20 
  16. ^
  17. ^ CNN (March 10, 2004), Anderson Cooper 360 transcript, CNN,, retrieved 2009-03-04 
  18. ^ CNN reporter Eric Phillips interviews Sheriff Arpaio and a juvenile offender, CNN, March 11, 2004,, retrieved 2007-10-20  (CNN Live Today transcript)
  19. ^ Laundry Services
  20. ^ Tony Ortega (May 27, 1999), Blowing His Cool, Phoenix New Times,, retrieved 2008-06-19 
  21. ^ Not Pretty In Pink, The Smoking Gun, January 14, 2005,, retrieved 2008-06-19 
  22. ^ "'Illegals' in jail ordered to register for draft". Deseret News. January 16, 2004. 
  23. ^ a b "Re-Elect Joe Arpaio - Teaching to Have a Heart". Committee to Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2008. Retrieved 2008-10-20. 
  24. ^ "Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, Joe Arpaio, Sheriff, News Brief". Maricopa County Sherriff’s Department. Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  25. ^ "Department of Justice Office of Public Integrity Agrees to Review Allegations of Maricopa County Public Corruption Investigated by Sheriff’s Office". Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department. Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  26. ^ "DOJ Chastises Arpaio's Attorney". Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  27. ^ "Letter from 'Raymond N. Hulser, Acting Chief, Department of Justice Office of Public Integrity Section to Mr. Robert Driscoll Alston & Bird LLP". Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  28. ^ Randal C. Archibald (May 10, 2006), Arizona County Uses New Law to Look for Illegal Immigrants, The New York times,, retrieved 2007-10-20 
  29. ^ "Arizona sheriff uses posse, new law to jail illegals". The Washington Times. May 11, 2006. 
  30. ^ a b Phoenix Business Journal (March 11, 2009), Obama administration targets Arpaio,, retrieved 2009-03-11 
  31. ^ Daniel González (March 11, 2009), Arpaio to be investigated over alleged violations, Arizona Republic,, retrieved 2009-03-11 
  32. ^ TPMMuckraker (December 14, 2009), Arpaio Turns to Former Bush DOJ Official To Stymie Federal Probe,, retrieved 2009-12-20 
  33. ^ KPHO (July 8, 2009), Arpaio To DOJ: 'Don't Pick On Me',, retrieved 2009-12-20 
  34. ^ "Tough sheriff's immigration duties face limits after complaints". CNN. October 8, 2009. 
  35. ^
  36. ^
  37. ^ "AG: Arpaio Probe Serious,Ongoing". Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  38. ^ Justice Denied: The Improper Clearance of Unsolved Crimes by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
  39. ^ Mission Unaccomplished: The Misplaced Priorities of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
  40. ^
  41. ^ The numbers don’t match Arpaio’s hype
  42. ^ a b How the MCSO Neglected a 14-Year-Old Rape Victim
  43. ^ Sexual assault victim claims MCSO failed to do its job
  44. ^ a b c d See Part IV "Public safety shortchanged throughout county"
  45. ^
  46. ^
  47. ^
  48. ^
  49. ^
  50. ^ Sink, Mindy (August 24, 2000). "Hoping People Watch Jail And Won't Want to Visit". The New York Times. 
  51. ^ Jailhouse Webcams: Courts aren't seeing their way clear, USA Today, 9 August 2004, 
  52. ^ a b Demery v. Arpaio, Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Arizona
  53. ^
  54. ^
  55. ^ Reinhart, Mary K. (30 September 2008), "Jail health care loses accreditation", East Valley Tribune (Phoenix, AZ), 
  56. ^ Edward Harrelson, President of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (25 September 2008). "Accreditation Termination Letter". (Web link).
  57. ^
  58. ^ Judge Neil Wake takes action in the jail conditions lawsuit against Arpaio, Phoenix New Times, 12 June 2008, 
  59. ^ John Dickerson (20 May 2007), Inhumanity Has a Price, Phoenix New Times, 
  60. ^ a b Ill-treatment of inmates in Maricopa County jails, Arizona, Amnesty International, 1 August 1997, 
  61. ^ Griffin, Mary L (2001). The Use of Force by Detention Officers. LFB Scholarly Publishing. p. 42. ISBN 1-931-20201-X.,&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=r5ynnnX_AH&sig=sfEbQmqP7XWW4f5BJ3BML8usKVQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA7,M1. 
  62. ^ Special Report: Health and death behind bars, East Valley Tribune, 3 May 2008, 
  63. ^ Gary Grado (25 May 2006), Jury awards $9M in jail death, East Valley Tribune, 
  64. ^ Family of ex-BYU. football player to get $8.25 million, Associated Press, 
  65. ^ Murder on Madison: The Norberg Remix, Phoenix New Times, April 15, 1999,, retrieved 2008-05-09 
  66. ^ Tweaking the Truth, Phoenix New Times News, December 17, 1998,, retrieved 2009-07-08 
  67. ^ Flashes, Phoenix New Times News, March 20, 1997,, retrieved 2007-10-20 
  68. ^ The $8 Million Victim, Phoenix New Times News, January 14, 1999,, retrieved 2008-05-10 
  69. ^ a b JJ Hensley and Yvonne Wingett (April 25, 2008), Abuse lawsuits against Arpaio settled, Arizona Daily Star,, retrieved 2008-05-09 
  70. ^ Third Amended Complaint, Evans et al. v. Maricopa County et al., September 20, 2006, pp. 8-9.
  71. ^ Melissa Gonzalo (April 14, 2008), Arizona Daily Star,, retrieved 2005-05-11 
  72. ^ Tony Ortega (January 23, 1997), Jailers Show a Paraplegic Who's Boss, Phoenix new timesnews,, retrieved 2007-10-20 
  73. ^ Barry Graham (April 1, 2001), Star of Justice, Harper's Magazine, 
  74. ^ Sheriff's deputies arrest New Times owners.
  75. ^ Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin (October 18, 2007), Breathtaking Abuse of the Constitution, Phoenix New Times,, retrieved 2007-10-20 
  76. ^
  77. ^ Associated Press (October 20, 2007), No Charges for Execs Arrested in 'Phoenix Times' Case, Editor & Publisher,, retrieved 2007-10-20 
  78. ^ Hon. Anna M. Baca (November 28, 2007), Ruling in the Matter of: CR MISC 2007, Judicial Branch of Arizon, Maricopa County,, retrieved 2007-12-06 
  79. ^ Michael Kiefer (April 30, 2008), 'New Times' executives sue Arpaio, Arizona Republic,, retrieved 2008-05-10 
  80. ^ "Reasonable Doubt". East Mesa Tribune. East Mesa Tribune. Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  81. ^ Mark Flatten, "Tribune celebrates winning Pulitzer Prize", East Valley Tribune, April 20 2009
  82. ^ "Arpaio, Thomas are abusing power". Sheila Polk. The Arizona Republic. Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  83. ^ "The conspiracy that won't stop". The Arizona Republic. The Arizona Republic. Retrieved 2010-0404. 
  84. ^ Valley rabbis' statement on Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, 24 July 2009, 
  85. ^ Phoenix Mayor Gordon calls for FBI investigation of Arpaio, The Arizona Republic, 13 April 2008, 
  86. ^ New York Times editorial board (December 31, 2008). "America’s Worst Sheriff (Joe Arpaio)". The New York Times. 
  87. ^ a b c "Maricopa County Recorder and Elections Department". Retrieved 2008-07-18. 
  88. ^ "Cronkite-Eight Poll". Arizona State University PBS channel. November 20, 2007. 
  89. ^ "Recall Petition Targets Sheriff Joe Arpaio". The Jawa Report. November 19, 2007. 
  90. ^ "Maricopa County Voters Support Thomas, Arpaio Over Recall Effort". Cronkite News Servive. November 20, 2007. 

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