United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 is a resolution that was intended to resolve the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.

It was unanimously approved by the United Nations Security Council on 11 August 2006. The Lebanese cabinet, which includes two members of Hezbollah, unanimously approved the resolution on 12 August 2006. On the same day, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that his militia would honor the call for a ceasefire. He also said that once the Israeli offensive stops, Hezbollah's rocket attacks on Israel would stop. On 13 August the Israeli Cabinet voted 24-0 in favor of the resolution, with one abstention. The ceasefire began on Monday, 14 August 2006 at 8 AM local time, after increased attacks by both sides.


[edit] The Resolution

The Resolution demands:[1]

  • Full cessation of hostilities (OP1)
  • Israel to withdraw all of its forces from Lebanon in parallel with Lebanese and UNIFIL soldiers deploying throughout the South (OP2)
  • Hezbollah to be disarmed (OP3)
  • Full control of Lebanon by the government of Lebanon (OP3)
  • No paramilitary forces, including (and implying) Hezbollah, will be south of the Litani River (OP8).

The Resolution at the same time also emphasizes:[1]

  • The need to address urgently the unconditional release of the abducted Israeli soldiers, that have given rise to the current crisis.

[edit] Disarmament of armed groups in Lebanon

The Resolution calls for "full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006), that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of July 27, 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese state."

[edit] Hezbollah

Hezbollah came into existence in 1985 as a result of the Israeli occupation of South Lebanon which began in 1982 and lasted until 2000, when Hezbollah forced the Israeli army to retreat from South Lebanon. On August 14, Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, said on Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV that he is not in favor of Hezbollah's disarmament, since the Lebanese army is not strong enough to defend Lebanon and the Israeli army is still occupying Lebanon, and that his fighters would not be forced to disarm by "intimidation or pressure."[2] Along the same lines, on August 16, 2006, senior Hezbollah official Hassan Fadlallah stated that the issue of his organization's disarmament was not on the agenda.[3] Similarly, after adoption of the resolution Lebanese Defence Minister Elias Murr said on August 14, 2006, in a television interview that "the army won't be deployed to south Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah.

Soon after the resolution's passage, both the UN and UNIFIL contributing nations such as France disclaimed responsibility for disarming Hezbollah.[4] Annan asserted that "dismantling Hezbollah is not the direct mandate of the UN," which could only help Lebanon disarm the organization.[5] Annan then said on August 25, 2006, "The understanding was that it would be the Lebanese who would disarm [Hezbollah]" and that "Obviously, if at some stage they need advice or some help from the international community and they were to approach us, we would consider it, but the troops are not going in there to disarm."[6]

Israel, for its part, indicated that if Hezbollah is not disarmed, as called for in the Resolution, Israel will resume operations in Lebanon.[7] Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev told the Associated Press on August 18 that Israel is keeping its commitments in the UN ceasefire resolution and expects Lebanon to do the same. "That resolution clearly calls for the creation of a Hezbollah-free zone south of the Litani River, and anything less would mean that the resolution is not being implemented," Regev told AP.[8]

Hezbollah agreed to disarm its forces south of the Litani River, but not to pull its forces out of southern Lebanon. "Hezbollah individuals are people who live in the south and they will not leave their homes and villages, but an armed Hezbollah will not be in the south," said Mohamad Chatah on August 16, a senior adviser to Lebanese Prime Minister Siniora. UN Resolution 1701 prohibits all armed militias from operating anywhere in all of Lebanon ("no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese state" and "full implementation of the relevant provisions of the Taif Accords, and of resolutions 1559 and 1680, that require the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, so that, pursuant to the Lebanese cabinet decision of 27 July 2006, there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese State"), but does not specify whether the militias should disarm or be put under the control of the Lebanese government. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan met with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who said that the "ball is now in the court of the government of Lebanon" to ensure no armed militias operate in southern Lebanon.[9]

On August 21, the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet reported that Turkish authorities intercepted five Iranian cargo aircraft and one Syrian aircraft carrying missiles to Hezbollah. The aircraft were forced to land at Diyarbakır Airport in southeastern Turkey. The aircraft were not allowed to take off after US intelligence sources found there were three missile launchers and crates of C-802 missiles on board the planes which were identical to the missile that struck the Israeli Navy Ship "Hanit" during the war. Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz said that Israel would continue to prevent weapons from reaching Hezbollah from Syria and Iran. "I will not allow the situation that happened before the war to return," said Peretz during a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul. He also asked that Turkey send troops to the international force deploying in Lebanon.[10]

In January 2007, Israeli military intelligence chief Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin criticized both Hezbollah for rearming and the United Nations for "doing nothing to prevent it or disarm them."[11]

[edit] Fatah

The Lebanese government demanded that Palestinians in refugee camps in the Litani area disarm in accordance with the resolution, senior Fatah operative in Lebanon, Monir Al-Makdah, said on August 28, 2006. Reportedly, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora "made the request to Fatah representative in Lebanon, Abbas Za'aki. Al-Makdah rejected the demand in an interview with Jordanian newspaper Al-Dostur, saying that the Security Council resolution was illegal since it did not include the right of return for Palestinian refugees."[12]

[edit] New UN troops for UNIFIL II

On June 30, 2006, UNIFIL was made up of 1,990 troops from China, France, Ghana, India, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Ukraine, supported by 50 military observers from UN Truce Supervision Organization and about 400 civilian staff members.

As of January 8, 2007, UNIFIL has grown to 11,512 military personnel from the following nations: Belgium (375; 394 pledged), China (190), Denmark (78, warships; 150 pledged), Finland (205), France (2,000), Germany (1,500, surveillance ships and planes; 2,400 pledged), Ghana (660), Greece (225), Guatemala (1), Hungary (4), India (878), Indonesia (850), Ireland (164), Italy (2,415; commands UNIFIL forces),[13] Luxemburg (2), Malaysia (220; 360 pledged), Nepal (234), Netherlands (161), Norway (134), Poland (319), Portugal (146, military construction engineers), Qatar (200), Slovenia (11), Spain (1,277, armored vehicles), South Korea (270 special forces pledged, 80 support personnel pledged), Sweden (68, and a ship), Turkey (509), and Ukraine (200), supported by 53 military observers from UN Truce Supervision Organization and about 308 local civilian staff members. [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]

Other countries have been reported as willing to send troops, but have not shared troop numbers. They include: Australia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria (160 frigate crew members), Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, New Zealand, Russia (400), and Thailand.[20] [21] [22]

Israel indicated that it is not in favor of troops being included from countries that have offered to send troops but do not recognize Israel as a state, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia. [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]

India, at the same time, is considering withdrawing its current peacekeeping forces from southern Lebanon.[31]

[edit] Deployment of UNIFIL II

The Resolution, in Paragraph 2, "calls upon the Government of Lebanon and UNIFIL as authorized by paragraph 11 to deploy their forces together throughout the South."

Paragraph 11 then states that Security Council decided: "that the [UNIFIL II] force shall, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 and 426 (1978): ... (b) Accompany and support the Lebanese armed forces as they deploy throughout the South, including along the Blue Line ... (c) Coordinate its activities related to paragraph 11(b) with the Government of Lebanon and the Government of Israel ...."

Complicating matters, Syria threatened to close the Lebanese-Syrian border — Lebanon's only land outlet — if UN troops are sent there.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also warned that deploying foreign troops along the border would be a “hostile” act against Syria.

"At the moment we are seeing some very unconstructive signals from Syria," Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel said.[32]

As for the UN's position, however, Annan advanced the view afterward that the resolution did not require the UN to deploy UNIFIL II anywhere unless invited to do so by the Lebanese government. He said on August 25, however: "the resolution does not require deployment of UN troops to the [Syria]n border. It indicates that, if the Lebanese government were to ask for it, we should assist. The Lebanese Government has not made any such request."[6]

[edit] Background

This resolution was based on an initial draft prepared by France and the United States. Lebanon and the Arab League pressed to have parts of the Siniora Plan, which required Israel to withdraw from southern Lebanon, included in the final resolution.

[edit] August 6th-8th

Lebanon's Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said on August 6th that the draft resolution was "not adequate," and House Speaker Nabih Berri, serving as a diplomatic conduit for Hezbollah, rejected the draft. The draft made no mention of Israeli forces withdrawing from Lebanon. [33]

Lebanon proposed changes on August 7th. It agreed to dispatch 15,000 troops to its southern border if Israeli troops would leave the country, handing over their positions to the UN Interim Force. The draft UN resolution called for "the immediate cessation by Hezbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations." A second resolution would later establish an international peacekeeping force that would help Lebanon's army take control of the country's southern border, where Hezbollah had held sway since the Israeli withdrawal in 2000.[34]

The resolution stated that Israeli forces shall withdraw in parallel with the deployment of Lebanese and UNIFIL forces into the southern Lebanon, and established that the Lebanese government should have control over all Lebanese territory, and that "there will be no weapons without the consent of the government of Lebanon and no authority other than that of the government of Lebanon."

On August 8th, several changes were made to the proposal. Lebanon and its Arab League allies pressed the UN to call for an immediate Israeli withdrawal. Such a withdrawal had not been mentioned in the draft resolution; an omission that Lebanon's government and Arab League diplomats called unacceptable. Lebanese Prime Minister Siniora's Cabinet, which included two ministers from Hezbollah, made its decision on troop deployment unanimously, ministers said. The Lebanese proposal also called for Israel to hand over Shebaa Farms to the UN.[35]

[edit] August 9th-11th

Dan Gillerman, Israel's Ambassador to the UN, said he had problems with the idea of a UN force being deployed to stabilize the region, and pointed to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon as an example. Israel's Security Cabinet recommended that the Israeli military expand its campaign against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.[36] Diplomats at the UN and in Beirut stepped up efforts to secure a UN resolution.

[edit] August 12th

Despite the expanded ground campaign, the Israeli Security Cabinet was likely to sign off on the UN resolution at its meeting on August 13, Israel's Ambassador to the US, Daniel Ayalon, said before the Council vote.[37] A final text of the resolution was distributed to the full UN Security Council, which unanimously accepted the resolution.

The resolution demands a full cessation of all hostilities, the release of abducted Israeli soldiers, the deployment of 15,000 international troops to police the Lebanon-Israel border -- an increase from the then-current 2,000.[38] The UN troops in the area would be joined by 15,000 Lebanese troops.[39] The deal also calls for the release of two Israeli soldiers whose capture by guerrillas sparked the conflict.[37]Tzipi Livni, Israel’s foreign minister, insisted that Israeli troops would remain in southern Lebanon until a multinational UN force is deployed, implying that deployment of Lebanese forces would not be sufficient for Israeli withdrawal. [40]

[edit] Initial reactions

Leaders around the world praised the agreement, while noting this was not the end of the crisis.[41] The Lebanese cabinet voted unanimously to accept the terms on 12 August. Nasrallah, in a speech televised on Hezbollah's Al-Manar television on 12 August, said: "We will not be an obstacle to any decision taken by the Lebanese government".[42]

The Israeli government accepted the terms on 13 August, but did not cease offensive actions until its deadline at 8:00 a.m. (local time) 14 August. On 13 August, Israel advanced to capture as much high-ground territory as possible before the ceasefire, and bombed targets up to 15 minutes before the deadline. Hezbollah also continued what they called "defensive operations," and vowed not to cease their operations as long as Israel occupies Lebanon. [43] Hezbollah launched 250 rockets into Israel, the most since the war began. Hezbollah and the IDF fought the fiercest engagements of the conflict; 32 Israeli soldiers were killed, but Hezbollah did not release any casualty numbers.[citation needed]

The French government criticized the rules of engagement. "I remember the unhappy experiences of other operations where UN forces had neither a sufficiently precise mission nor the means to act," French Defence Minister, Michèle Alliot-Marie, said. "You cannot send out men and tell them that they should watch what's happening but that they have no right to defend themselves or fire."[44]

[edit] Aftermath

On 30 October 2007, the United Nations issued a Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006)[45]. It discusses, among other things, the marking of the border and notes: "At the same time, discussions on the temporary security arrangements for northern Ghajar remain deadlocked on the issue of the duration of the arrangements. The Force Commander is undertaking bilateral consultations to identify possible approaches to overcome the impasse. The Israel Defense Forces remain in control of the part of the village of Ghajar north of the Blue Line and the small adjacent area inside Lebanese territory, although it does not maintain a permanent military presence there. As of mid-September 2007, the Lebanese Armed Forces patrol the road outside the perimeter fence around this area. As I recalled in my last report (S/2007/392), so long as the Israel Defense Forces remain in northern Ghajar, Israel will not have completed its withdrawal from southern Lebanon in accordance with its obligations under resolution 1701 (2006)." It further notes: "Failure to make progress on this issue could become a source of tension and carry the potential for incidents in the future."

As of February 2009, many key points in the resolution remained insufficiently addressed. In a special report, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon mentions Hezbollah's intransigence as the main problematic factor. "Hezbollah continues to refuse to provide any information on the release or fate of abducted soldiers, and places conditions and demands for the release that are far outside the scope of resolution 1701," Ban wrote in the report.[46] The report also points out that Hezbollah has replenished its stock of rockets and missiles in South Lebanon, and is now in possession of 10,000 long-range rockets and 20,000 short-range projectiles.[46]

In 2009, Israel filed a complaint with the U.N. that Lebanon was not complying with the resolution after a Katyusha rocket was fired from Lebanon and landed next to a house in northern Israel and injured three people. The complaint affirmed Israel's right to defend itself and its citizens.[47] Later in 2009, when weapons that Hezbollah were hiding in a civilian home in a Lebanese town near the border of Israel exploded, both Israel and UNIFIL complained that Resolution 1701 was being violated by Lebanon and Hezbollah. The IDF estimates that the number of civilian homes in southern Lebanon that are being used to store weapons are in the hundreds.[48] Israel also criticized the Lebanese army, which is responsible for enforcing the resolution, for cooperating with Hezbollah in making sure that the evidence of the violation of the resolution had been cleared up before allowing U.N. peace keepers to do their job.[49] Two days later, fifteen Lebanese civilians from Kfar Shuba a "group of 15 Lebanese civilians carrying Lebanese and Hizbullah flags crossed into the Israeli occupied Shebaa Farms. [50] "[51] The IDF took no action to the provocation, but stressed that it was a violation of Resolution 1701. The United Nations confirmed that Hezbollah violated the resolution and that the group is rearming.[52]

[edit] Violations of Lebanese Airspace

October 3, 2006: Less than a month after UN resolution 1701 was put into effect, UNIFIL reported an Israeli warplane violation of Lebanese airspace, thus violating 1701. Repeated violations of Lebanese airspace since the creation of UN resolution until present and in one instance, Israeli warplane fired at the German UNIFIL division's Vessel.[53]

On 24 October 2006, six Israeli fighter jets flew over a German vessel patrolling off Israel's coast just south of Lebanon, after a helicopter took off from the vessel without Israeli permission. The German Defense Ministry claimed that the planes fired flares, and one fired two shots into the air. In 2010 the French division of UNIFIL have warned that they might have to open fire if Israel Air Force warplanes continue their overflights in Lebanon. [54] [55] [56] [57]

January 2010, United Nations Spokesman of the Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Andrea Tenenti stated that the recent Israeli overflights were a violation of Lebanese sovereignty and of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. Tenenti issued a statement in which UNIFIL strongly condemned the Israeli violations of Lebanese air during the past few days. He said the violations caused local fears to escalate and were considered a violation of the UN forces’ mandate and of their attempts to reduce tensions and guarantee security in south Lebanon. [58] The United Nations and Beirut repeatedly condemn the overflights as provocative violations of Security Council resolutions and Lebanon’s sovereignty. [59]

[edit] Israeli Spy Network in Lebanon

On 10 June 2006, the Lebanese army arrested members of the first Israeli spy ring.[60][61] The Lebanese army exposed a second Israeli spy network in 2008. Sources say the second Israeli spy network has been operating for 20 years.[62] [63] It was further discovered that Israeli government has further aided some of the wanted to spies to escape Lebanon. A letter submitted to the General Assembly on May 18, 2009 further incriminates Israel, with additional violations of 1701. On May 7, 2009 the Israeli's assisted Riziq Tawfiq Ibrahim and his son escape Lebanon and enter Israel. Thus further neglecting any respect for Lebanese sovereignty. [64]

In May 2009, Lebanon filed a complaint with the United Nations over the Israeli government's spy rings operating in Lebanon which is a clear violation of U.N. resolution 1701. The Lebanese delegation to the United Nations has filed a complaint over "Israel’s violation of Lebanese sovereignty and (Security Council) resolution 1701,” Prime Minister Fouad Siniora’s office said in a statement. [65]. [66]

In 2010: The UN Security Council has warned that the existence of a large Israeli-run espionage network in Lebanon could threaten a fragile peace established between the two countries following the end of the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war. The same day the UN’s special coordinator for the secretary-general for Lebanon, Michael Williams, added that progress between the two new governments in Israel and Lebanon was still possible, but warned that Israeli over-flights were problematic. The continued presence of Israel’s spy network remains the major point of friction and a possible destabilizing factor for both a permanent peace between Lebanon and Israel as well as Lebanon’s fragile government. [67] [68] [69]

  • Some Additional Violations

The Secretary-General’s fourth report of 28 June 2007 states, “I regret to have to report that, despite a number of attempts by United Nations senior officials to obtain information regarding the firing data of cluster munitions utilized during the conflict in the second quarter of 2006, Israel has yet to provide that critical data. I call on the Government of Israel once again to provide the information to the United Nations.” The cluster bombs continue to kill Lebanese civilians today. [70] Kim Howells told the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, “We have no clear figures for the number of cluster munitions Israel dropped on Lebanon. However, drawing on Israeli media reports, UNMACC [UN Mine Action Coordination Centre] estimate that Israel dropped in the region of 4 million cluster bombs on Lebanon during last year’s conflict from artillery projectiles. This does not take into account cluster bombs dropped via aerial delivery.” [71]

In May 2009 the Lebanese government issued a report of Israeli violations for the month of May. Israel violated Lebanese territoriality waters, fired automatic weapons rounds and flare shells into Lebanese territoriality waters 7 times. [72]

February 1, 2010 Lebanon's permanent mission to the UN filed a complaint against Israel with the UN Security Council over the abduction of a Lebanese citizen from the Lebanese Kfar Shouba region. The Lebanese army issued a statement,"An Israeli patrol abducted at 13:45 (11:45 GMT) the Lebanese citizen Rabih Mohammad Zahra in the vicinity of Boustra Farm near Kfar Shouba". Rabih Zahra a 17 year old Shepard and a native of the area. Israel admitted to the arrest of Rabih which it said it carried out in the Shebaa Farms. Shebaa Farms is currently illegally occupied by Israel. [73] [74] [75]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b s:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701
  2. ^ Gulfnews: Hezbollah 'to aid troop movement'
  3. ^ Report: Lebanese army to be only force to bear arms | Jerusalem Post
  4. ^ U.N. commander says his troops will not disarm Hezbollah - iht,africa,Mideast Peacekeepers - Africa & Middle East - International Herald Tribune
  5. ^ Report: Lebanese army to be only force to bear arms | Jerusalem Post
  6. ^ a b Harry De Quetteville and Michael Hirst (2006-08-27). "UN will not stop Syria sending weapons to Lebanon". The Daily Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/1527391/UN-will-not-stop-Syria-sending-weapons-to-Lebanon.html. Retrieved 2008-05-23. 
  7. ^ http://www.dailyindia.com/show/51735.php/Disarm_Hezbollah_or_operations_resume:_Israel
  8. ^ "Cheers, flags greet national army in south Lebanon". CNN. 2006-08-18. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/18/mideast.main/index.html. 
  9. ^ "Lebanese troops to head south Thursday". CNN. 2006-08-16. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/16/mideast.main/index.html. 
  10. ^ "Turks intercept Iranian missile shipment to Hizballah". 2006-08-21. http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=9144. 
  11. ^ "Hezbollah Rebuiling, UNIFIL Ignoring." The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. 12 Jan. 2007: 23.
  12. ^ JPost.com Staff. "Report: Hizbullah razes 14 Shaba posts." Jerusalem Post. 28 August 2006. 13 January 2007.
  13. ^ "Italian general formally takes command of UN force in Lebanon". http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/821292.html. 
  14. ^ "350 S. Korean Troops to Keep Peace in Lebanon". Times. 2006-01-15. http://times.hankooki.com/lpage/200701/kt2007011518124268040.htm. 
  15. ^ UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - Facts and Figures
  16. ^ CNN.com - Annan wants Hezbollah to free captured Israelis - Aug 28, 2006
  17. ^ UNIFIL force reaches 11,083 soldiers
  18. ^ Kuna site|Story page|2nd wave of Malaysian UNIFIL troops arrive in S. L...1/4/2007
  19. ^ "Malaysia offers to send more troops to UNIFIL". TheJerusalemPost. 2006-12-28. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1164881997152&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull. 
  20. ^ Today'S Zaman
  21. ^ "Bulgaria Approves Sending 160-Crew Frigate to Lebanon". naharnet. 2006-09-30. http://www.naharnet.com/domino/tn/newsdesk.nsf/Lebanon/1072DE30D8A4DE01C22571F90025BC64?OpenDocument. 
  22. ^ "Germany oks Lebanon mission". ChinaDaily. 2006-09-14. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2006-09/14/content_688778.htm. 
  23. ^ Asia Times Online :: Middle East News - Hezbollah's arms still a reason to fight
  24. ^ [1]
  25. ^ Fire fartøy til Libanon - bt.no
  26. ^ [2][dead link]
  27. ^ Bloomberg.com: Worldwide
  28. ^ CTV.ca | Europe to provide half of troops, says Annan
  29. ^ [3]
  30. ^ http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/dpko/contributors/2006/dec06_5.pdf
  31. ^ [4][dead link]
  32. ^ [5][dead link]
  33. ^ "Hezbollah rockets pound northern Israel: report". CNN. 2006-08-06. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/06/mideast.main/index.html. 
  34. ^ "40 killed in airstrike, Lebanon's PM says:report". CNN. 2006-08-07. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/07/mideast.main/index.html. 
  35. ^ "Fighting rages as diplomatic efforts heat up: report". CNN. 2006-08-08. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/08/mideast.main/index.html. 
  36. ^ King, John, et al. "Troops, tanks storm into southern Lebanon." CNN.com. 9 August 2006. 13 January 2007.
  37. ^ a b "Security Council passes proposal to end Mideast conflict". CNN. 2006-08-12. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/12/mideast.main/index.html. 
  38. ^ "UN Votes 'Yes' For Peace". Sky News. 2006-08-11. http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-1230691,00.html. 
  39. ^ "U.N. vote on Lebanon cease-fire resolution expected". CNN. 2006-08-11. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/11/mideast.main/index.html. 
  40. ^ "Lebanon conflict intensifies". Financial Times. 2006-08-13. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/4d09e6b4-2b01-11db-b77c-0000779e2340.html. Retrieved 2006-08-13. 
  41. ^ "World governments hail UN resolution". Bangkok Post. 2006-08-13. http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/breakingnews.php?id=112170. Retrieved 2006-08-13. 
  42. ^ "Lebanon conflict intensifies". Financial Times. 2006-08-13. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/4d09e6b4-2b01-11db-b77c-0000779e2340.html. Retrieved 2006-08-13. 
  43. ^ "Truce Allows Thousands of Lebanese to Return Home", New York Times, August 14, 2006
  44. ^ Globe and Mail, August 19, 2006 Past experience gives French qualms about Lebanon mission Accessed August 19, 2006
  45. ^ UN Security Council document S/2007/641, see paragraphs 16 and 71
  46. ^ a b "Ban: Hezbollah hindering talks on prisoner swap". Haaretz. 2008-03-01. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/959592.html. Retrieved 2008-03-01. 
  47. ^ "Israel fires complaint with U.N. over Katyushas." JTA. 24 February 2009. 24 February 2009.
  48. ^ "UNIFIL: Lebanese arms cache a 'serious violation' of ceasefire." Jerusalem Post. 15 July 2009. 15 July 2009.
  49. ^ "Lebanon army covering for Hezbollah, Israel claims." JTA. 17 July 2009. 17 July 2009.
  50. ^ http://www.washington-report.org/archives/December_2008/0812042.html
  51. ^ "15 Lebanese civilians cross border with Hizbullah flags." Jerusalem Post. 17 July 2009. 17 July 2009.
  52. ^ "'Hizbullah violated cease-fire.'" Jerusalem Post. 23 July 2009. 23 July 2009.
  53. ^ http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/06/front2454040.05.html
  54. ^ http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/775387.html
  55. ^ http://www.ww4report.com/node/2674
  56. ^ http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/06/front2454040.05.html
  57. ^ http://www.david-morrison.org.uk/lebanon/1701-israels-violations.htm
  58. ^ http://www.zawya.com/story.cfm/sidDS110110_dsart2
  59. ^ http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/site/pp.aspx?c=glKWLeMTIsG&b=2266989&printmode=1
  60. ^ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article675279.ece
  61. ^ Insert footnote text here
  62. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3615993,00.html
  63. ^ www.politicaltheatrics.net/.../israeli-spy-networks-continue-to-collapse-in-lebanon/
  64. ^ http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7B65BFCF9B-6D27-4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/Lebanon%20S2009287.pdf
  65. ^ http://www.armybase.us/2009/05/lebanon-complains-to-un-over-israeli-spy-rings/
  66. ^ yalibnan.com/site/.../2006/06/lebanons_army_c.php - Lebanon
  67. ^ http://original.antiwar.com/frykberg/2009/07/14/israeli-spy-ring-threatens-fragile-peace/
  68. ^ http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1134496.html
  69. ^ yalibnan.com/site/.../2006/06/lebanons_army_c.php - Lebanon
  70. ^ http://www.david-morrison.org.uk/lebanon/1701-israels-violations.htm
  71. ^ http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200607/cmselect/cmfaff/363/363.pdf
  72. ^ http://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7B65BFCF9B-6D27-4E9C-8CD3-CF6E4FF96FF9%7D/Lebanon%20S2009293.pdf
  73. ^ http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/eo20090317cc.html
  74. ^ a
  75. ^ http://www.washington-report.org/archives/December_2008/0812042.html

[edit] External links