Oct 09 2015

Democrats Depend on Affluent Voters? That’s Rich

Thomas Edsall (image: PBS)

While New York Times’ columnist Thomas Byrne Edsall’s claim that the Democratic base no longer tilts to the working class is false, the idea that the Democratic Party has shifted its policies to attract more money from the wealthy is all too true.

Oct 09 2015

ACTION ALERT: Why Do Conservatives Get to Question Candidates–but Not Progressives?

Hugh Hewitt (cc photo: Bill Rice)

One of three panelists CNN selected for the Republican debate last month was conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. But at the upcoming Democratic debate, CNN is not planning to include a single progressive advocate among its panel of four questioners.

Oct 09 2015

Phyllis Bennis on US Bombing of Afghan Hospital

Kunduz hospital

The hospital attack is not the first of its kind, nor—if we take the advice of generals that the incident means the US should increase its military presence in the country—will it likely be the last. After 14 years of war on Afghanistan, what has the US achieved?

Oct 09 2015

Media Reports ISIS Nuclear Plot That Never Actually Involved ISIS

CBS on Moldavian radiation sting

The AP published a thrilling account of how the FBI, in concert with Moldovan authorities, “disrupted” a smuggling ring that was supposedly trying to sell “nuclear material” to ISIS. The problem: At no point does AP’s reporting show that anyone connected to the scheme had any connection to ISIS.

Oct 08 2015

‘Poverty Is Not a Lifelong Identity’

CounterSpin interview with Rebecca Vallas about shaming the poor

Rebecca Vallas

“Fox News is one of the leading offenders in terms of advancing narratives and myths and misperceptions that really can end up being the basis for terrible policy, that hurt…everyone but those at the top of the income ladder.”

Oct 08 2015

NYT on TPP: Too Secret for Critics to Have a Right to Complain About

Yep, Lucy yanked the ball away from Charlie Brown this time, too.

The New York Times subtly sneered at TPP critics for opposing a document that they haven’t been allowed to see yet.

Oct 07 2015

‘Polluter Interests Have Been Spending Millions on Disinformation Campaigns’

CounterSpin interview with David Baron about air polluters

David Baron

“It’s sad that an issue of this importance, that affects literally all Americans, has gotten so little attention from our mainstream press.”

Oct 06 2015

‘Massive’ Media Hype for TPP

TPP countries with and without current trade agreements with the US. Source: International Monetary Fund

It is amazing how the elite media can be dragged along by their noses into accepting that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) can have a big impact on trade and growth.