Applying for Aid

Graduate Application

In addition to the FAFSA, you must complete an application form for the specific time period you wish to receive aid.

Autumn, Winter and/or Spring Quarters 2016–2017

The 2016–2017 Graduate Loan and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Application is required to be submitted on-line.  Please keep a copy for your files.

Graduate Application 2016-17

Autumn, Winter and/or Spring Quarters 2015–2016

The 2015–2016 Graduate Loan and Federal Work-Study (FWS) Application is required to be submitted on-line.  Please keep a copy for your files.
Please note: The Perkins Loan program is expiring at the end of September. Any completed applications received after September 8th will not be considered for Perkins, unless you are a continuing Perkins loan borrower in the same academic program.

Graduate Application 2015-16

STEP Students

STEP students, whose program begins in summer quarter, have a special application form. See our STEP Student section for more information.

Future Quarters

The Graduate Application for Summer 2016 will be available on this page by May 1, 2016. The Graduate Application for Autumn/Winter/Spring 2017-2018 will be available on this page by March 1, 2017.

Updated on February 18, 2016 8:42 PM