Louvre Pyramid

Application Deadline: March 15, 2016. 

Download the 2016-2017/2017-2018 Guidelines (PDF)

Conferences, to be held at Stanford or at any French research institution, should address significant issues of common interest to scholars from France and Stanford, and particularly, but not exclusively, those subject to differences of disciplinary or interdisciplinary approach in or between the two countries. The topics proposed may be either historical or contemporary in their temporal focus and relevant to the two societies. They may fall primarily or entirely within the purview of schools or departments like those of the humanities, social sciences, natural and formal sciences, business, earth sciences, education, engineering, law and medicine. Alternatively, they may bring together scholars from across different schools and/or departments.

Proposals should be for conferences that bring together participants from Stanford and France, but also from other U.S. institutions, thereby expanding the network of productive relationships between academics in the two countries. That said, there must be significant representation from Stanford. Given available Center resources, fundable conferences should envision 20-40 participants each, roughly equally divided between France and the U.S. Proposals that contemplate cost sharing with another funding source(s) may have an advantage over those whose only source is funding from the France-Stanford Center. Please note that in selecting conferences to fund, the Center gives some weight to ensuring an overall balance between (1) conferences held at Stanford and those held in France and (2) those primarily concerning the sciences and those primarily concerning the humanities. 

Proposals should specify the intellectual rationale for topic, indicate why the proposed topic would be a suitable candidate for funding by the Center, provide examples of potential participants, identify possible organizers, set forth a tentative budget and other sources of funding, etc. Informal inquiries made prior to writing a formal proposal would be welcome.

Questions can be directed to the Center’s Director, Amalia Kessler (akessler@law.stanford.edu) or the Associate Director, Gérard Bonneaud (gerard.bonneaud@in2p3.fr).

Proposals (4 to 6 pages maximum) must be submitted in .doc or .pdf format (no other format will be accepted) as an attachment to an email sent to Isabelle Collignon (isabelle@stanford.edu), Program Coordinator of the France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.