Fri, 12/18/2015


2016 Call for Proposals

Submission Deadline: March 13th, 2016 (Midnight, EST)


The French Embassy in the United States and the FACE Foundation are accepting applications for the Partner University Fund (PUF). PUF promotes innovative collaborations of excellence in research and education between French and American institutions of higher education. The program supports emerging transatlantic partnerships with the potential to continue beyond the initial 3-year grant. 


Since its creation, PUF has supported 78 partnerships involving more than 90 French and American institutions.


In 2016, PUF will support partnerships in the Humanities. Applications will combine collaborations such as: 

§  Joint research, joint publications and joint conferences

§  Graduate students, postdoc and faculty transatlantic mobility 

§  Collaboration in teaching (organization of workshops, seminars, symposia…)

§  Joint and dual degrees at the master's and PhD levels 


Thanks to private donors, public contributions, and a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (, the PUF program will co-finance projects in the Humanities submitted in this 2016 funding cycle up to 60% of the total project costs, to a maximum of 100,000 USD annually (up to 300,000 USD for the 3 years).

Selected partnerships are supported for one year and are renewable for a total period of 3 years.

Projects must be jointly submitted by at least one American and one French university or research institution. 


Ø  Project proposals must be submitted by March 13th, 2016 (Midnight, EST)

Ø  Funding decisions will be announced in June 2016 for the 2016-2017 academic year.


Interested parties are invited to apply here:


For more information, please contact the PUF team: