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Become a Faculty or Graduate Student Affiliate

Clayman affiliated faculty and graduate students have access to fellowship and grant opportunities and are featured on the Clayman Institute web site. In addition, all affiliates of the Institute will receive GenderNews, the bi-monthly email publication of the Clayman Institute.

Stanford academics are eligible to become Clayman Institute faculty affiliates. All applicants for the Faculty Research Fellowship are expected to be affiliated faculty of the Institute.

To become a faculty affiliate, please subscribe to our low traffic listserv. Send a message to Leave the subject line and body of the message blank.  This list is for Stanford faculty and academics only.

To become a graduate student affiliate, please subscribe to our low traffic listserv. Send a message to Leave the subject line and body of the message blank.  This list is for Stanford graduate students only.

Please note that the Clayman Institute is unable to host visiting scholars or postdocs due to our limited space and resources.