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Haas Center Publications

Haas Center National Advisory Board meeting 2014

Commons Newsletter
The Haas Center publishes the Commons, a newsletter for alumni, donors, and friends: a print magazine each summer; and an electronic newsletter, the e-Commons, every couple of months. Sign up for the newsletter.

Student Service Stories Blog
Students share their public service stories in 200 words or less. Visit the blog site.

Story Archive
News stories published by the Haas Center.

Annual Reports
Find past reports.

Other Haas Center Publications and Reports
View a list.

Service4all is an email list for announcing public service events, both on and off campus, of interest to the Stanford community. All members of the community may subscribe and post.

To join, send a blank email to

Disclaimer: Unless specified, the programs and activities posted to this list are not officially endorsed by any department, program, or Stanford University.


Contact Haas Center Communications for more information about publications.