2011-12 Visitors

Miikka Eriksson, Faculty of Education, Centre for Media Pedagogy, University of Lapland, Finland.
August 2011 - July 2012. Working with Roy Pea, H-STAR.

My research focuses on the educational use of mobile technologies and mobile social media applications. My visit at H-STAR is a part of "TravEd - Research and Development of Traveling Services through Mobile Education" project, funded by Tekes and European Regional Development Fund. The main objective of the project is to develop a pedagogical model applicable especially for decentralized tourism education in tourism destinations with extremely mobile students. The researchers of the TravEd project are also interested in applications that could contribute to learning outside classrooms (e.g., work-based learning) or, for example, telecommuting in tourism destinations and could possibly be modified for the purposes of tourism to promote year-round activities in ski resorts.


Pekka Aula, Dept of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Finland.
August 2011 - July 2012. Working with Larry Leifer, Center for Design Research.

During my visit I am investigating the relationships between reputation and contemporary media. My work focuses on the social and emotional aspects of reputation and elucidates the digital publicity, such as social media, as a communicative context for reputational dynamics. In addition, I will work on a project that studies the emotional effect of media reputation on digital content consumption by combining communication research methods with psychophysiological measurements. I will also commence a project that studies media's role in building reputable innovation 'hotspots'. The aim is to understand how the transition of the media sphere alters the fundamentals of competitive innovation ecosystems of regions such as cities and municipalities.

Jeonghye Han, Dept of Computer Education, Cheongju National University of Education, Korea
February 2011 - January 2012. Working with Roy Pea, H-STAR.

My research focuses on robotic learning, and consists of three parts, learning using educational service robots, learning with hands-on (user-built) robots, and learning with user-converted robots. For the educational services robots, I have studied teaching assistant robots for children in elementary school. One topic I am studying at H-STAR is language learning using telepresence educational-service robots that show the teleoperators' faces. Hands-on robots offer great potential to enhance and sustain the motivation of children on STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics), and I am examining learning using hands-on robots in both formal and informal learning environments.

  Marcus Specht, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, Open Universiteit, Nederland
July 2011 - August 2011. Working with Roy Pea,

During my visit at H-STAR I am focusing on personal and group based learning situations in which tracking and sensor data are used to support individual and group learning processes. This is based on works on context-aware computing, ad-hoc context and group forming, mobile and ambient display technologies, and individual information hubs for reflection. In this research I am looking at the effects of new sensor technologies that are more and more embedded in everyday objects, and can help trigger personal reflections, individualized learning support, and group awareness and collaboration.

Tim McAloone, Dept of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.
September 2011 - December 2011. Working with Larry Leifer, CDR.

The working title for my research while at Stanford is "Sustainable innovation competencies: Understanding the implications of sustainability strategies for a company's innovation resources and competency sourcing". The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the role of competencies in product developing organisations, when transitioning to adopt sustainability as a driver for innovation. My aim is to strengthen and systematise the strategic planning and execution of sustainability-oriented innovation and product development processes, with a particular focus on competency development and sourcing.

  Bettina Dahl Soendergaard, Centre for Science Education, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
September 2011 - November 2011. Working with Roy Pea, H-STAR.

My research at Stanford is focused on the teaching and learning of calculus. Previous research I have done in other countries has revealed that even students with high grades quickly forget key calculus concepts. Therefore, the purpose is to study Stanford calculus courses in relation to (1) the content, teaching style, and examination style; (2) the typed of concepts students learn and retain; (3) the relationship between concepts learned and the course grades; and finally (4) which teaching styles, and student study habits, might enhance the learning of calculus, including the use of interactive media.

Sanne Haase, Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University, Denmark.
September 2011 - November 2011. Working with Sheri Sheppard, Dept of Mechanical Engineering.

Engineers are expected to play a pivotal role in finding ways to address a range of societal challenges that can be referred to as sustainability. My research focuses on the role of sustainability in engineering students' nascent, professional identity. Two Danish national surveys investigating engineering student attitudes to both their future societal roles as engineers and to sustainability issues and societal challenges are intended to participate to the development of valid ways of assessing sustainability learning and hereby qualify the development of education for engineers of the future. While at Stanford, US/Danish engineering student comparison is my research objective.

  Christina Neumayer, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
September 2011 - December 2011. Working with Fred Turner, Dept of Communication.

My project "Rebels of Today" investigates the representation of radical right and left wing groups in digital media. The aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between political ideology and appropriation of technology. During my visit at H-STAR I am working on the qualitative data analysis of protest events where radical right and left wing groups collide. I examine how they renegotiate their collective identity in cross-ideological discussion online, and mobilize civil society using the social web. The analysis includes self-representation, intra- and cross-ideological discussion, and news media coverage in different online media formats.

Michael Biskjaer, Dept of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
September 2011 - December 2011. Working with Larry Leifer, CDR.

My research project studies the complex role of constraints in creative processes based on digital media. While 'constraining' literally means 'impeding action', expert practitioners in art and design have shown how hampering their workflow using freely chosen obstructions (such as irrational choices of material or technology) often leads to breakthroughs. In a cross-disciplinary perspective emphasizing conceptual clarification, my project investigates how and why such creative strategies in fact work. During my visit I am studying the presence and use of self-imposed constraints in collaborative creativity methods and decision-making and problem-solving techniques at the d.school.

  Xibin Han, Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
September 2011 - December 2011. Working with Roy Pea, H-STAR.

My research involves the use of information and communication technologies in learning, teaching and administration in higher education. It focuses on pedagogical strategies and software architecture for an integrated e-learning environment in Chinese Universities, and technical modes for sharing and utilizing open courseware in universities. Our research group at Tsinghua University consists of sixty full-time researchers and ten graduate students, whose educational backgrounds cover educational technology, information technology, art design, and management sciences. We have developed a series of software products for e-learning that are now used in more than 200 Chinese universities.

Birgit Jaeger, Dept of Society and Globalization, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.
September 2011 - December 2011. Working with Banny Banerjee, Dept of Mechanical Engineering.

Currently I participate in a Danish study on collaborative innovation in the public sector. During my visit to Stanford University I am investigating how innovation is shaped in collaboration between different actors who participate in a partnership. I am studying how partnerships can be used as a frame for collaborative innovation and whether or not this collaboration leads to co-creation of new ideas and innovations. As an empirical case I study how partnerships between public libraries and actors from the civil society and the private sector can be used as a tool for co-creation and innovation.

  Akihisa Kaneko, Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.
September 2011 - September 2012. Hosted by Byron Reeves, Dept of Communication.

Mobile devices offer an opportunity to enhance motivation to improve lifestyle behavior, leading to better health and the prevention of disease. My research focuses on achieving such a goal. Many people find it difficult to start changing their lifestyle behavior or to maintain an improved lifestyle, even though they feel they need to. During my visit to H-STAR I am working with the Persuasive Technology Lab to study ways to overcome such barriers using mobile applications. The advantage offered by mobile devices for this purpose is that users always have them on their person.

Nevena Jensen, Aarhus School of Architecture, Kolding School of Design, Kolding, Denmark.
October 2011 - November 2011. Working with Larry Leifer, CDR.

Management of Design Processes in Multicultural Environment: The focus of my research is to understand global virtual team collaboration in design processes, where global virtual teams are distributed across heterogeneous cultures. I investigate issues connected with global virtual team management in multicultural environment and their impact on co-located teams in each country. My intention that this research will lead to the development of global virtual management support tools and services to support practitioners and managers in crossing collaboration barriers.

  Ursula Plesner, Dept of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
October 2011 - December 2011. Working with Michael Shanks, Stanford Humanities Lab.

I am interested in innovation and market creation in relation to Information and Communication Technologies. My current research examines how virtual worlds have been developed for use in the building industry, to aid users' understanding of spatial issues. I have a distinct focus on the communication processes which are intertwined with innovation and market creation. While at H-STAR, I am conducting new empirical research on how small companies develop, customize, and sell virtual worlds platforms for professional use.

Kaarina Nikunen,
Swedish School of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
January 2012 - December 2012. Hosted by Byron Reeves, Department of Communication.

My project explores the spaces of compassion and solidarity as well as conflict and hostility in social media. The virtual sphere holds a promise of an inclusive political medium that may restructure political processes and rejuvenate political practices, as we have seen in the case of Arab Spring and the Green Movement of Iran. How do social media add to the understanding of others’ life situations and experiences of struggle and tragedy? Or, do these spaces increase the fragmentation of the public sphere and creation of multiple, even hostile and exclusionary spaces of communication. I am investigating transnational dimensions of social media participation connected particularly with issues of multiculturalism and immigration.


Saana Korva, Faculty of Education, Centre for Media Pedagogy, University of Lapland, Finland.
March 2012 - April 2012. Working with Roy Pea,

My visit to H-STAR is part of the "TravEd - Traveling Services through Mobile Education" research project. The project’s main goal is to research and develop a pedagogical model for decentralized tourism education which takes place in travel destinations such as ski resorts, using mobile technologies and mobile social media applications. In addition, the research focuses on (1) exploring the possibilities of mobile telework in the resorts and (2) how the tourism industry could benefit from the mobile telework, for example to promote off-season activities. During my stay at H-STAR, I will focus primarily on these two research topics.

Claus Bossen, Dept of Information & Media Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark.
February 2012 - May 2012. Working with Tanya Luhrmann, Dept of Anthropology.
My research focuses on health care IT, and how to achieve a good and effective fit between IT, work practices and organization. My primary focus is electronic patient records at hospitals and IT in home care. I aim to gain insight into health care IT in the USA to complement my studies in Europe. Coming from anthropology, I conduct qualitative studies of health care work in order to make these analyses feed into the design and development of health care IT. Once developed, I also study how hospital staff integrate IT in their work, necessitating new practices, re-organization and work-arounds.

Morten Karnoe Soendergaard, Dept for Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University, Denmark.

March 2012 - May 2012. Hosted by Byron Reeves, Dept of Communications.

My current research project, Integrating virtual solutions and clean-tech to change global ecological behavior, explores virtual clean-tech solutions and study cultural factors and parameters, which might be used to design a common ecological responsible behavior. The basis is to change virtual behavioral patterns from Ego to Eco. The scope of the project is global, however in order to be concrete and result oriented, the research-design is focused on a case-study concerning paper printing. In particular a virtually integrated system-idea helping end-users behave in an ecological responsible manner when printing, will be tested. 

Connie Svabo, Dept of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University, Denmark.
March 2012 – May 2012. Working with Michael Shanks, Dept of Classics.
I work with digitally mediated experiences of urban and natural landscapes; that is, the entanglements between the actual and the virtual - between the social, material and spatial - in visitor’s encounters with cultural places such as art sites, heritage sites and museums. Theoretically I seek to develop a foundation for my own work with spatial experience design at heritage sites and museums. Empirically I explore how spatial experience emerges through processes of sociomaterial negotiation.

Simon Lex, Dept of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
February 2012 – March 2012. Working with Jeremy Bailenson, Dept of Communication.
My research explores and develops theoretical insights and practical guidelines within Design Anthropology and the area of “Open Innovation”.  My objective is to analyse how a large corporation involves employees and customers on online communities for developing new knowledge and ideas to improve the everyday services. My current study is based on an ethnographic fieldwork in the Innovation Department in PostNord and my focus is how insights from the daily interaction between consumers and employees (“real life”) are channelled through enabling technologies to a digital platform (“online community”).

Krestine Mougaard,
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.

March 2012 –June 2012. Working with Larry Leifer, CDR.
My research focuses on Product/Service-Systems (PSS) and network-based development models. Within the PSS conceptualization activity, I investigate a proactive approach towards creating value chain collaboration. With a particular focus on co-development across numerous knowledge domains, I intend to create and use boundary objects, to facilitate the development of product/service offerings across companies. The output of the project will be visual models evaluated by representativeness and utility to stakeholders in understanding value and identifying new competitive collaborative PSS offerings.

  Chen Chen, Dept of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
April 2012 - July 2012. Working with Andrew Ng, Dept of Computer Science.
My project is called "Statistical Machine Learning Methodologies for Designing Efficient Imaging Biomarkers", and aims to develop new machine learning technology that will allow the design of efficient imaging biomarkers while reducing the number of patients in clinical trials, reducing the time between screening, and being more reliable than traditional markers. During my visit to Stanford, I am working with the Artificial Intelligent Lab, developing deep learning algorithms, e.g. recursive neural networks applied on medical image analysis, to design efficient biomarkers for diagnosis or early diagnosis on subject level.
Nicolai Pogrebnyakov, 

Dept of Intntl Ecnmcs & Mngmnt, 

Copenhagen Business School.


May 2012 –July 2012. Hosted by Roy Pea, H-STAR.
My research project investigates the use of crowdsourcing in cross-border innovation and new product development. It does so by exploring the benefits and risks of deploying an international crowdsourcing effort, as well as appropriate types of governance that may help companies use the crowdsourcing model. The integration of crowdsourcing-driven innovation with other steps of the value chain, such as manufacturing, is investigated. The goal is to identify best practices and give recommendations for companies planning on engaging in international crowdsourcing.

  Zheng Ma, Dept of Marketing and Management, Univ of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
May 2012August, 2012. Working with Karen Cook, Dept of Sociology.
My research project focuses primarily on the investigation of a successful Information System adoption, with elements of sense-making, rhetoric, and hierarchies in the university e-learning context. Forms of Information System adoption may vary in different organizations and industries. My research draws from the insights of culture comparison studies, and explores the ways the various actors’ use of different forms of discourse and rhetoric influence Information System adoption.
Jari Multisilta, Univ. of Helsinki, Cicero Learning, Finland.
June-July 2012. Hosted by Roy Pea, H-STAR.
My current work examines new mobile social video services in the creative arts, entertainment, games, and innovative learning, in particular the recording of 360-degree panoramic video using mobile phones. I analyze how these new technologies can be adopted, how attractive they are to users, and how the technology and other solutions need to develop to become popular and accessible for mainstream users. The main questions are: what kind of use cases and applications are there for an easy-to-carry panoramic video lens attached to a user’s mobile device, and how do users record and share panoramic videos?

Heli Ruokamo, Centre for Media Pedagogy, Univ. of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.

June-November 2012. Hosted by Roy Pea, H-STAR.

My research focuses on the development of pedagogical models for educational use of ICT’s and on-line learning. During this visit at H-STAR, which is a part of "TravEd - Research and Development of Traveling Services through Mobile Education" project, the main objective is to develop pedagogical models appropriate especially for decentralized tourism education in resorts. We examine mobile technologies and mobile social media applications that may enhance teaching and learning processes outside classrooms. In addition to exploring the possibilities of flexible learning our focus is on new work solutions in the resorts.