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Computer Configuration

We recommend "Core" configuration for most computer uses, beginning through advanced. The Core computers feature one of the fastest processors available and enough RAM and hard disk storage to easily keep up with the latest software releases over the next 3 years. This model is perfect for:

  • Microsoft Office, word processing, web browsing, email,
  • FileMaker Pro, databasing, spreadsheets, statistics, computer programming,
  • Photo cataloging, music applications, PDF editing, web development,
  • ...and much more.

You may have special computing needs, such as multiple displays, 3D/CAD design, or advanced graphics/video editing. In these cases, we recommend the "Extended" configuration.

If you're looking for increased portability, an "Ultraportable" configuration is recommended. Available only for laptops, ultraportables are generally not as high-performance and substitute power for more portability compared to core and extended laptops.

  • 2-3lbs.
  • 10-13" LCD display
  • External CD/DVD Drive

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Last modified April 24, 2012