Honorary donor societies

Rondel Society

Rondel Society Logo

Newly created in 2008 and named to invoke the iconic emblems found throughout the Romanesque architecture of the University, the Rondel Society is integral to the endeavor of sustaining one of the world’s premier academic libraries. Its guiding principle is philanthropic and intellectual engagement with the Stanford University Libraries in the company of like-minded individuals. In keeping with this philosophy, donor-directed purposes for gifts are actively encouraged. Membership in the Rondel Society is by invitation of the University Librarian and is based on continuing, substantial giving.
View the Rondel Society brochure.

Jewel Society

Jewel Society bookplate

The Jewel Society, named for Jane Stanford’s book fund, was established in 2007 to honor the hundreds of donors and family representatives who have created and sustained library endowments, mainly in the form of book funds in beloved subjects. Endowments, of course, emphasize growth and longevity: they allow ongoing, indefinite spending for their specified purpose and thus truly transcend our time on Earth. Each of these funds is meaningful and deeply appreciated in itself, but together they represent a major step in our means to support research and learning across a wide spectrum of interests.
View the Jewel Society brochure

Founding Grant Society

Founding Grant Society

The Founding Grant Society is open to all who provide support for Stanford in their estate plans through wills, trusts, life income gifts, retirement plans, life insurance designations, and other vehicles.
View the Founding Grant Society brochure.

Contact us

Please contact us if you would like to receive more information about participation in our honorary societies.