
What You'll Study

The joint major program (JMP), authorized by the Academic Senate for a pilot period of six years, permits students to major in both Computer Science and Classics. Students completing the JMP receive a B.A.S. (Bachelor of Arts and Sciences).

Students majoring in the joint major program in Classics and Computer Science complete the degree requirements for Classics with the following changes:

  1. Completion of 5 less overall units than a usual Classics major. The + footnote on each track describes where the unit relief may be taken. 

  2. ePortfolio course (2 units): The ePortfolio is preparation for the capstone project, and as such, must be taken by Spring quarter of the Junior year. The ePortfolio will reflect on the intersections (and possible disjunctions) between Computer Science and Classics. This may be an independent study or group seminar class. Topics might center on critical review of existing projects that join Computer Science and Classics, including analyses and reflections on two-to-three different digital humanities projects in the field of Classics. It might also include a commentary from a Classicist perspective on work in foundational Computer Science courses, an analysis of the implications of computational technology for historical or literary study in Classics, or the application of Classicists' methodologies to technological problems or issues. 

  3. Senior capstone project (5 units): The capstone project will be an original and integrative research project, guided by advisers in both departments, drawing on knowledge and skills in both areas, and counting towards the joint major on the Classics side. This will likely be independent study with Classics faculty or a course with a required project. It is also possible for honors thesis work in Classics to count towards this requirement, if the thesis project has a significant computational component. Projects might include analysis of archaeological or historical data, digital editions of texts, analyses of ancient corpora, digital representations and engagements with historical problems in the study of the ancient world, study of natural language processing as applied to literary analysis of ancient texts. 

All ePortfolio and senior capstone projects must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. 

Because the JMP is new and experimental, changes to procedures may occur; students are advised to check the relevant section of the bulletin periodically.

Degrees Offered: 
Joint Major/BAS