Thomas Church Receives Terman Fellowship

Assistant Professor Thomas Church was named a Terman Fellow for three years beginning Fall 2015. He joins fellow Stanford Math faculty members Ravi Vakil (2003–2004), Simon Brendle (2005–2006), and Søren Galatius (2007–2010) as recipients.


The Terman Fellowship is a prestigious award for junior faculty. The Terman Fellows program was launched in 1994 with a $25 million gift from William Hewlett and David Packard. The two alumni of the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford and founders of the Hewlett-Packard Co. endowed the fellowships as a tribute to the late provost Terman, to whom they give credit for much of their own success, as well as Stanford’s and Silicon Valley’s.

The fellowships are designed to help young scientists who face increasing competition for federal grants, by helping them establish their own laboratories and recruit graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Junior faculty members in science departments in the School of Humanities and Sciences and the School of Engineering are eligible. Awards also are made to faculty in the schools of Earth Sciences and Medicine on a rotating basis.

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