2014     2013     2012     2011     2010


Ian Ball
Advisor: Fuhito Kojima
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Economics at Yale University

Bryan Hooi
Tracing Infectious Diseases using Genetic and Spatial Data [pdf]
Advisor: Susan Holmes
Future plans: Ph.D. student in PhD program in Statistics and Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University

Dewey Kemp
Advisor: Rick Schoen
Future plans: Applying to mathematics Ph.D. programs in the fall

John Ryan
Gelfand Pairs, Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group, and the Theory of Spherical Functions [pdf]
Advisor: Daniel Bump
Future plans: Working as a research assistant at the Stanford School of Medicine while applying to medical schools

Akhil Vohra
On the Near-Optimality of The Reverse Deferred Acceptance Algorithm [pdf]
Advisor: Paul Milgrom
Future plans: Working at Merrill Lynch

Lynnelle Ye
Bounding Sums of the Möbius function over arithmetic progressions [pdf]
Advisor: Kannan Soundararajan
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at Harvard University


Yongwhan Lim
A Markov Chain Case Study: Card Shuffling [pdf]
Advisor: Persi Diaconis
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Operations Research at MIT

Seth Shelley-Abrahamson
Hopf Modules and Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type [pdf]
Advisor: Daniel Bump
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at MIT

Emmanuel Tsukerman
Isoperimetric Inequalities and the Alexandrov Theorem [pdf]
Advisor: Simon Brendle

Joseph Victor
Stable Homotopy Groups of Spheres and The Hopf Invariant One Problem [pdf]
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson
Future plans: M.S. student in Data Science from ICME at Stanford University

Moor Xu
Advisor: Persi Diaconis
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at UC Berkeley


Anthony Bosman
Bott Periodicity [pdf]
Advisor: Eleny Ionel
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at Rice University

Charlotte Chan
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at the University of Michigan

Jong-Min Choi

Soumitra Kulkarni

Pak-Hin Lee
Brauer Obstruction to Descending the Fields of Definition for Representations of Finite Groups
Advisor: Brian Conrad
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at Columbia University

Seok Hyeong Lee
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at Princeton University

Brian Lewis
Decidable Fragments and Skolemization in Superintuitionistic and Modal Logics [pdf]
Advisor: Grigori Mints
Future plans: Ph.D. student in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, Madision

Ted Westling
Future plans: Research Fellow at Stanford Law School, then a Ph.D. student in Mathematics at the University of Washington

Rafi Witten
Future plans: Working for Google in Boston


Jonah Brown-Cohen
A Topological Method for Three-Dimensional Symmetry Detection in Images [pdf]
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson

Marcello Herreshoff
Provability as a Modal Operator with the models of PA as the Worlds [pdf]
Advisor: Grigori Mints

Justin Hsu
The Partition Function And Modular Forms [pdf]
Advisor: Kannan Soundararajan

Christos Mantoulidis
Regularity of hypersurfaces in Rn+1 moving by mean curvature flow [pdf]
Advisor: Leon Simon

Connor Mooney
An Introduction to Curve-Shortening and the Ricci Flow [pdf]
Advisor: Simon Brendle

Pranav Nanda
Assessing a 2-System Model of Quasi-Hyperbolic Temporal Discounting [pdf]
Advisor: Gunnar Carlsson

Elina Robeva
An Extensive Survey of Graceful Trees [pdf]
Advisor: Persi Diaconis

Nathaniel Shar
Transforming Inductive Proofs to Bijective Proofs [pdf]
Advisor: Persi Diaconis

Peter Smillie
An Introduction to the Positive Mass Theorem
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Benjamin Stetler
The Ricci Flow On Surfaces And The Uniformization Theorem [pdf]
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Stefan Wager
Clumpy Riffle Shuffles [pdf]
Advisor: Persi Diaconis


Otis Chodosh
Infinite Matrix Representations of Classes of Pseudo-Differential Operators [pdf]
Advisor: Andras Vasy

Jackson Gorham
A Computational Topology Approach to Hard Spheres In a Box [pdf]
Advisor: Matthew Kahle

Akihiko Nishimura
Classification of Two-dimensional Manifolds Using Morse Theory [pdf]
Advisor: Eleny Ionel

Edward Schmerling
An Improved Bound for Characterizing Integer-Valued Factorial Ratio Sequences [pdf]
Advisor: Kannan Soundararajan

Dinah Shender
Strong Stationary Times for Non-Uniform Markov Chains [pdf]
Advisor: Persi Diaconis

Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman
An Asymptotic Faber-Krahn Inequality for the Combinatorial Laplacian on ² [pdf]
Advisor: Rafe Mazzeo

Justin Solomon
Discrete Killing Fields for Pattern Synthesis and Symmetry Detection [pdf]
Advisor: Richard Schoen

Philip Vuong
Algebraic Completeness of Open([0,1])/Null [pdf]
Advisor: Grigori Mints

Andrew Yarmola
Persistence and Computation of the Cup Product [pdf]
Advisor: Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson

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