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Alumni Reflections

Computation Liberal Arts Major

"I think MCS is one of the best majors offered at Stanford; it is a "liberal arts" major for the computationally-minded. It has served me very well and it was fun to work towards the major because the classes were easy to balance since they were so different and exciting. I really think it is a gem that showcases Stanford's best departments all under one degree. It prepared me well for my doctoral work and my postdoc". 

Finest Professors

"Taking statistics classes outside of Stanford makes me appreciate my time in MCS more. I have heard the name Efron, Hastie, Tibshirani, Donoho, Diaconis so many times. I felt that I undervalued my opportunities while at Stanford a bit as I look back. The current MCS students have the finest and most unique collection of professors one can ever have. They should cherish the opportunity." 
Fah Sathirapongsasuti, 2009, Harvard PhD program, Biostatistics and Computational Biology 


"The MCS department is fantastic. I truly think it is the most useful, relevant, interesting, and mind-expanding major at Stanford. It does a great job of introducing a broad range of useful topics to prepare students for work, or further study. Someday, once I have made my millions, I plan to donate directly to the MCS department. Maybe then they'll even have their own building and/or classes!" 

Great Master's Prep

"Breadth that allows students the opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of areas and ways of thinking. It serves as an excellent launching point into a master's degree for depth to add to the unique breadth of the program."