MED 255C: Responsible Conduct of Research for Clinical Researchers

Course Policies

Course Information
Each session is based on cases and dilemmas that will be handed out to participants in class. These discussions will draw heavily on the assigned readings. This class is an intensive format that covers the entire course in a single day.

Readings for each class are posted on the SCBE website. Participants are required complete the required readings prior to class.

Attendance and Makeup Assignments
To receive full credit or certification for the course, participants are required to attend all 7 class sessions. Documentation of attendance is provided by signing the attendance sheet in class.

Dropping an Intensive Class
We have more people who want to take the intensive RCR class than available spaces. As a result, there are always students to fill extra spaces in these sections. If someone drops the course shortly before the class date, we cannot fill that space because no one can do the prep work in time. If you do not wish to remain in the class, please drop it as soon as possible to allow others to successfully enroll. Students who drop an intensive class within two weeks of the class date will not be allowed to register for the course directly next term.

Everyone successfully completing the course will receive a printed certificate that can be used to demonstrate completion of research ethics training in fulfillment of NIH requirements.


Education Coordinator:
Paula Bailey
(650) 498-7869