Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Postdoctoral fellowship training in the Stanford Department of Dermatology emphasizes combinatorial acquisition of unique capabilities in multiomics, computational biology, and cutting edge genetic model systems combined with research leadership experience via directing a group of students and technicians in the lab. This training approach is designed to maximize preparation and success for career paths of interest to the individual postdoc, including Principle Investigator roles in academia and industry. For postdoctoral fellows pursuing an academic career, grant writing skill is advanced by mentored completion of F32 level NIH training awards followed by K-level NIH career development awards. >25 former trainees are now P.I.s in academia at institutions that include UCSF, Yale, Stanford, Harvard, UC-Irvine, UCSD, Penn, Northwestern, and Duke and >15 are now group leaders at industry leading companies. A vigorous fusion of fundamental technology innovation with disease relevant questions important for human health characterizes the training opportunities within the program. The NIH has long-supported a T32 postdoctoral fellowship training program centered in the Department.

Training opportunities in core Department laboratories include in the following laboratories, noted in alphabetical order:

For further information about the Dermatology Postdoctoral Research Fellowship please contact: Pamela Bernstein (pbb [at]