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Current Funding Priorities

Humanities Center Annual Fund

Gifts to the Annual Fund enable the Center to pursue its goal of vitalizing the humanities at Stanford and beyond. They provide unrestricted support and secure the Center’s ability to respond in a timely fashion to emerging ideas and needs within the humanities. Annual gifts of $25 and up can be made online to support the Center. Initiatives and activities your annual gift will help sustain include:

  • Dissertation-writing workshops for Stanford graduate students.
  • Undergraduate honors senior thesis fellowships.
  • Special projects to explain and showcase the digital humanities.
  • Co-sponsored events with schools and departments across the university.
  • Student journalism projects that highlight the humanities at Stanford.
  • Videos for the Stanford iTunesU and Stanford YouTube channel that showcase Stanford’s faculty and help the viewer to better understand and appreciate humanistic research. 


Manuscript Review Workshops

The Manuscript Review Workshops are designed to provide professional feedback to members of the faculty who are preparing book manuscripts or other scholarly projects of similar scope for submission for publication. The program focuses especially on assistant professors in the critical first four years of their careers. It brings a team of two to three senior scholars in the relevant field to meet and review the manuscript with the author. The program also benefits undergraduate teaching at Stanford by showing undergraduates majoring in the humanities (or thinking of majoring in the humanities) that the university supports scholars all the way through the career trajectory. 

Gift opportunities:

  • Gifts of $7,000 will cover the costs of one manuscript review workshop.
  • Gifts of $2,000-$4,000 (based on domestic or international travel) will fund the honorarium plus travel and hotel costs of one member of the review team.
  • Gifts of $1,000 will fund the honorarium of one member of the scholarly review team.
  • Gifts of any amount will provide essential programmatic support.


International Visitors Program

The International Visitors Program is designed to strengthen Stanford’s global connections in the humanities and social sciences by bringing renowned public intellectuals, scholars, and political leaders to Stanford for short-term, high-impact residencies. These visitors establish fruitful, cross-cultural connections with faculty and students by leading sections in Stanford undergraduate and graduate classes, giving lectures and presentations in their areas of expertise, and carrying out joint research projects with Stanford colleagues.

Gift opportunities:

  • A pledge of $20,000 a year for three years will name an international visitor each year.
  • Gifts of $10,000 will fund the stipend of one international visitor.
  • Gifts of $5,000 will fund housing or travel expenses for one international visitor.
  • Gifts of any amount will provide essential programmatic support.