The Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine

Our Team/People


Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic Team

Clinical Faculty


Research Program Teams

de Lecea Laboratory: Neurobiology of Brain States Lab Members

Dement: Sleep and Dreams Staff

Kushida: Center for Human Sleep Research

Manber: Stanford Sleep Health and Insomnia Program Staff

Mignot: Center for Narcolepsy & KLS Research Center

Mourrain: Genetics, Neurobiology, and Computational Analysis of Sleep and Associated Behaviors Lab Members

Nishino:  Sleep & Circadian Neurobiology Laboratory

Pasca: Cellular Mechanisms of Neuropsychiatric Disorders Laboratory

Zeitzer: Circadian Research Laboratory Members


Associated Researchers

Joachim Hallmayer in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - Child Psychiatry

Craig Heller in the Department of Biology - School of Humanities and Sciences

Jon Erik Holty in the Center for Health Policy / Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research

John Hugenard in the Department of Neurology & Neurological Sciences

Peter Koltai in the Departments of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatrics

Ruth O’Hara in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - VA & Geriatric

Maurice Ohayon in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - Sleep Center

Alexander Urban in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - Psychopharmacology

Jerome Yesavage in the Departments of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - VA Research and  Neurology & Neurological Sciences

Nanci Yuan in the Department of Pediatrics - Pulmonary Medicine


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