The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

2016 Applications are now open, apply here
Deadline March 14, 2016

Learn more about the program here

Contact Information

Anandi Krishnan, PhD  email

Jessica P. Meyer, MBA email

All TL1 applications must include:

    • Statement of Intent describing the general area of research focus, educational plan, including research mentors and environment where appropriate, translational research career aspirations and recognition of NIH service payback requirements for postdoctoral applicants. (See NIH Grant Policy statement for details). Limit your response to 1,600 words.
    • Current Curriculum Vitae and Transcripts (from college, medical school and any advanced degree programs)
    • Mentor’s NIH Biosketch
    • Signed Letter of Support from the student’s advising dean or training program director attesting that the trainee can devote full-time to their TL1-supported studies for at least one academic year.
    • Two letters of recommendation from colleagues with whom the candidate has worked.
    • Current and pending funding support