Oy, Canada…

April 7, 2010 by binky

~ 2010: WHERE WE ARE NOWA Machete attack by Canucki Muslim on Jew & his buddy.. 36 Google stories… vs. Machete (played by the hispanic B-actor Danny Trejo) and his new movie: 58 Google stories.

I think my reversed headline yesterday would have had at least 2000 stories. Plus all sorts of public statements. And international riots/ protests.

Just Imagine….

Also.. anybody out there got a machete in the trunk of their cars? Emergency kit? Sure. Car jack.. spare tire (with rim & inflated).. umbrella.. window brush.. old pop bottles.. air pump thingy.. blanket..  a mini-shovel thing.. empty Tim’s cup.. flashlight.. nope, no machete, boar spear, or harpoons.

That would take, you know– oh, what’s that special technical legal-ish word– premeditation.. in case of a  Jihadi confronted with a JewBot outbreak or summat.. just in case, right? ~

Coren: The Machete Incident.. plus Binks Thots

April 7, 2010 by binky

Via Catfur,

Saith Furball: “Best part – he declined a CBC interview – after they told him they would do it ONLY if they could find a spokesman from the other side for “Balance” – evidently Jason wasn’t available.”

Doublespeaking JihadoShariac Tariq is fine at Ottawa area Undiversities, but plain-speaking Coulter bad. Gotcha. Smells like sharia & stealth jihad, folks.

Saith Teh Binks

O, where to start with this one?

Balanced To Death

Ah yes, our tax-glutted Leftard journalists– always so fair & balanced! “OK, folks.. let’s get a possibly murderous Jew-hater from the machete-wielding community to interview so this story doesn’t get skewed.”

In Middle Earth terms, we want a talking head who can put the vile scheming hobbitses in their proper perspective, with well-groomed orc spokesmen for manflesh and world domination.

After all, Teh filthy Jooooos deserve Holocaust 2, even if on a case by case basis. Cuz murderous unforgiving wrath is a great basis for civil society, right? Keep it BALANCED, people!

Equal Time.. For Beheading?

What about the headless Jewish community? In the ‘balance’ between peacefully supporting Israel– or anything else you like by reasonable and civilized means on campus– there is no actual possible moral equivalence between that and trying to chop someone’s head off, if reports are true and these guys are honestly reporting the events.

Would-be human sacrificers for Allah and anti-Semites don’t need ‘balance’-time, but prison-time, and the full weight of the law. Using Palestine for an excuse after repeated attempts to give them almost all of what they claimed they demanded (a lie, it turns out– they want all of  a Jewless Israel to wreck and plunder, like they did the Gaza strip) is beyond lame.

Indeed, such witless balance-quackers will continue to quack such appeasement nonsense even when the first major terror-bombings, atrocities and massacres hit Canada, and as a politically and culturally aggressive Islam demands ever more special privileges, treatment, plus ever more media self-censorship about the nastiness and self-contradictions of  certain Muslims and of militant blood-soaked Islam in practice.

You know, like bringing a blankity-blank machete to  a Jew-fight?!? HELLO? Is this thing on??

The feminists and same-sexers taught them the way– to attack from the inside, via liberal cowardice and guilt, and conservative inaction.

Huzzahs For Them

In any case, good for Michael Coren, Furball, and the ever-diligent & bookmarkable SDA Matt for doing what our national media  apparently can’t on our billions a year, and for at least one of Coren’s panellists for providing the gutless & morally insane ‘equivalence’ argument about the wonders of Islam, thereby saving the Ceeb from having to do the same. And cheers to Nick & Mark for standing up and speaking out.

Watch For It…

Let the trials begin, and the whole story be told.. and let it be a lesson to Canadians awake and unafraid enough to hear, like all the other terrorist-trials and terror-incidents and terror-funding going on in and through Canada, the comfy terror-haven and hotbed of militant stealth-Jihad and sharia supremacists in our universities and elsewhere.

Canadian Jews have been warned.

YorkU and UZero and Carleton are just a beginning.


Headline Flip: Machete Edition

April 6, 2010 by binky

~ ITEM: Machete Attack on Carleton Student – “Around 1:45am, as we were leaving the bar, and we heard the shout of “Zionist” in Arabic”; and Babble.ca – Oppressed Machete Attacked By Zionist Thugs!

~ ITEM: Shaidle– Leave the camel. Take the machete; and ‘Too stupid to really be Jewish?’ ; plus ‘We heard the shout of ‘Zionist’ in Arabic’: machete attack on Canadian student

~ ITEM: The cost of supporting Israel

~ ITEM: Machete used in anti-Semitic attack in Gatineau, Carleton students say

Human Sacrifices-- Two Stinking Zionists Nearly Offered Up To Allah: UCarleton students Nick Bergamini (r) and Mark Klibanov

“When the Ontario branch of the Janjaweed reach for their machetes, the establishment reaches for its lamest tropes… A purely hypothetical outbreak of violent attacks on Muslims always trumps actual violent attacks on non-Muslims.”

~ Mark Steyn ~

~ WANT TO reality-check what lying fanatics are up to? Just reverse the terms.  Like the ‘headline’ above. Then, imagine the leftard media & Usual Suspects responding to your reversed headline: the results can be quite illuminating.. especially when compared to what they actually say & don’t say.

Easter casts new light on a lot of things: life and death, plus good and evil. Too often we naive conservatives wishfully think our opponents are nice but misguided; or just need some understanding and sympathy; or that they mean well. Jesus did not die to save us from unpleasantries and misunderstandings, but from sin and death and hell.. and evil– our own and that in others.

Deciding To Be Blind

When it comes to denial of truth & reality, that’s actually an evil ill-willed thing. There’s none so blind as those who will not see.

Radicals wickedly choose to see their enemies as semi-human, and deeply evil. Our totalitariProgs are a little wimpy, and our democracy isn’t dead yet– but the Jihadis know when to push the envelope, because they’ve become politically astute about our weaknesses.

Our cadres of Progressives and Jihadis are possessed by different yet absolute visions which simply place conservatives/ infidels outside the pale. When you add ‘The End Justifies The Means‘, then you have college riots to silence thoughts, or a near miss by a swinging machete to behead Jews & Jew-lovers.

Religiously-motivated human sacrifice. In Canada. On Our Streets.

Oh The Huge Manatee!

Unlike the horror of a thin blonde American lady uttering unpopular words and thoughts in Canuckistan, a machete and the murderous hate behind it will not rouse the chattering classes to high dudgeon and pontificating. The cartoon riots mass-media climb-down demonstrated the character of our intrepid journalistic classes, bravely making the world safe for Leftism except when that conflicts with the ever ratcheted-up demands of a certain desert murder-cult.

Christmas Week 2009: massive Jihad/ Sharia supremacist conference in downtown Toronto. Easter Week 2010– attempted murder of 2 ‘Jew-y’ students in Ottawa by a gang of Muslim students. Notice a pattern?

Can You Tell The Difference?

After his bodily resurrection from death Jesus commanded his followers to go forth and make disciples of all nations; Muhammed demanded subjection by the sword, and death by beheading for stubborn infidels. That’s why the machete was aimed at the neck in this incident: they were  merely following the prophet’s orders. And don’t be fooled by any weaselly media-spin and denial from Imams and paid Muslims about how it’s “wrong for any Muslim to take innocent life”, blah blah blah– remember: by definition for Jihadis and shariacs, no infidel is ever innocent (i.e., enthusiastically Muslim).

And watch for the courts to tap-dance and make nice, instead of upholding the law. Judges tend to be Liberal or NDP, and hold the usual bigotry of low expectations for the barbarians in our midst.

Such evil is not in spite of Herr Houle at UZero: it’s precisely because of attitudes like his that this decline takes place, and civil society and civilization crumbles bit by bit.

Cheer up, it’s only going to get worse. Speak out, people.

Canada: It’s Ours To Lose. ~

Christos Aneste!

April 4, 2010 by binky

Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered!

Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling down death by death,
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

~ TODAY IS THE TRUE FOUNDATION of all we enjoy in our Western civilization. The resurrection of Christ from the dead: the reversal of death, and the conquest of sin, death, and hell. Easter is God’s yes to mankind in Christ, and the undying and almighty fountain of eternal life arising in each believing heart and in the world God so loves, to redeem all things.

Nothing can arise from empty nothing– effects need causes: that’s basic science, and metaphysics. A civilization grows from roots and soil and water and some originating idea. So from the ashes of Rome arose Christendom, Western civilization out of barbarian Europe as she was converted by missionaries, and as the redeeming of the past began, good things handed on, built up, reassembled in new patterns.

Read the rest of this entry »

Still Slowly Blogulizing

April 3, 2010 by binky

Spring is sprung,
the grass is riz–
I wonder where
Teh Binkles is….

He’s busy with life, kids, wife, an overdue web-project for a charity, other stuff… not unblogging, though.

Will post this week, and thanks for the patience… and the recent comments.


Teh Binksmeister