Student Groups

Green Alliance for Innovative Action (GAIA)

The Green Alliance for Innovative Action (GAIA) is the umbrella group for all student groups with a stake in sustainability at Stanford University.  By sharing a calendar, having regular meetings, and collaborating on large events, GAIA aims to foster communication, identify large-scale challenges, and initiate a continuing campaign to raise awareness and engagement in sustainability, driven by a united effort of all groups at Stanford University with a stake in sustainability.

GREEN Alliance for Innovative Action (GAIA)

Students for a Sustainable Stanford

Join Stanford's largest environmental student group in making Stanford a more sustainable school. The group includes a number of task forces aimed at addressing specific issues, such as climate and energy, environmental justice, waste, and water issues. Past efforts include producing an annual Earth Week celebration and providing recyclable cups for campus parties.

Students for a Sustainable Stanford

ASSU Energy and Environmental Action Committee 

The ASSU Energy & Environment Committee was established in the Spring of 2014 to support energy and environmental student groups and to raise awareness of energy and environmental issues in the greater community.

Energy and Environment Action Committee


Become a Green Living Coordinator and reduce your dorm’s energy and water usage. The Green Living Council is a group of student representatives who provide ideas for individuals to reduce their environmental impact within each dorm on campus. Each year, the GLC sponsors a campus-wide competition for the dorm with the most reductions in energy and water use.



Connect with the nation's oldest environmental law group, publisher of the Environmental Law Journal, as well as numerous handbooks on environmental legislation. Help influence public policy, participate in environmental advocacy, and learn about environmental careers.



Work to make the GSB more environmentally friendly and to spread awareness of the importance of sustainability to other GSB students. Initiatives include installing a compost bin in the GSB cafeteria and putting on a weekly seminar of Business and Environmental Issues each spring quarter.



Join students from a range of disciplines in helping companies become more environmentally conscious through real consulting work. The group has worked with and placed members in organizations, such as McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group and Environmental Defense.


Stanford Solar and Wind Energy Project (SWEP)

Help promote renewable energy through SWEP, a group dedicated to expanding and installing renewable energy systems in and around campus. SWEP specifically targets wind and solar technologies, and currently has ongoing projects in solar water heating, photovoltaic energy, wind energy and energy education.

Stanford Solar and Wind Energy Project (SWEP)

Engineers for a Sustainable World, Stanford chapter

Join fellow engineers working on projects, on campus and internationally. ESW addresses poverty and sustainability in many different hands-on projects around the globe.

Engineers for a Sustainable World, Stanford chapter

Stanford Solar Car Project

Build a car that runs completely on solar energy—from scratch! Stanford’s solar car competes biannually in the World Solar Challenge in Adelaide, Australia, a 3000 km solar car race through the outback. Undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines can join the group; no prior experience is necessary.

Stanford Solar Car Project

Stanford Solar Decathlon

Advance your knowledge of solar technology and energy-efficient construction by joining Stanford’s Solar Decathlon team. In 2013, Stanford’s chapter received 5th place overall in this biennial project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Stanford Solar Decathlon

Stanford GRID Alternatives

Install solar panels in low-income neighborhoods and help empower local communities, while also helping the environment! GRID focuses on providing renewable energy and energy efficiency services to local communities and educating communities about the importance of clean energy.

Stanford GRID Alternatives

Fossil Free Stanford

Stanford announced its divestment from coal companies in May 2014. Leading up to the announcement, Fossil Free Stanford tabled, petitioned, and hosted events to spread the word about fossil fuel usage in America.

Fossil Free Stanford

Stanford Project on Hunger

Since 1987, the Stanford Project on Hunger (SPOON) has collected unused and leftover food on campus for distribution to the hungry and homeless community of Palo Alto. Join SPOON and collect extra food from dining halls, row houses, eating clubs, and special events for the Opportunity Center in Palo Alto, where it is served as meals throughout the week.

Stanford Project on Hunger

Stanford Free Store

The Stanford Free Store was created in 2011 as a place where Stanford community members can take or donate gently used clothing, books, and dorm furniture - all for free! Promote conscience consumption by helping the Free Store organize and staff  its fully stocked showroom in the Union Underground.

Stanford Free Store

Green Store

Help your peers host environmentally friendly events by volunteering with Green Store.  Green Store sells recyclable cups and compostable food serviceware at break-even cost to registered undergraduate and graduate student organizations and delivers purchases to on-campus locations for free.

Green Store

Green Grid Radio

Green Grid Radio produces engaging and transformative narratives regarding the environment, energy, and sustainability. Through meaningful dialogue about complex subject matter, Green Grid seeks to educate the public and provoke change on both the individual and societal levels.

Green Grid Radio
