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Jonah Goldberg's Biography

One of the most prominent young conservative journalists on the scene today, Jonah Goldberg is Generation X’s answer to P.J. O’Rourke. Jonah Goldberg's columns and articles, laced with keen wit and pithy insights, have rapidly generated a large readership. Whether Jonah Goldberg is issuing a sharply-worded cultural critique or laying out a lucid analysis of a hot political issue, Jonah Goldberg is guaranteed to make you laugh, and learn. Jonah Goldberg's work is proof that reading and thinking about political, media, and cultural issues can be enlightening and entertaining at the same time--even if you don’t agree with Jonah Goldberg's particular point of view.

A nationally syndicated columnist and the editor of National Review Online, Jonah Goldberg also is a contributing editor to the print version of National Review. In addition, Jonah Goldberg writes the popular "Goldberg File" column for National Review Online. Jonah Goldberg is also the media columnist for The American Enterprise Magazine, and a media critic for Brill’s Content.

Jonah Goldberg has also written on politics and culture for the New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, The Public Interest, The Wilson Quarterly, The Weekly Standard, The New York Post, National Review, The Women’s Quarterly, and Slate.

While working at New River Media in Washington, DC, (1993-98), Jonah Goldberg wrote, produced, and edited two internationally filmed, historical documentaries: Gargoyles: Guardians of the Gate, and Notre Dame: Witness to History, and earned credits in several other television productions, including PBS television essays, specials, and programs. Jonah Goldberg also produced national live satellite video conferences on business and educational issues. From 1996-98, Jonah Goldberg was the producer of Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg, an award-winning PBS television series covering ideas and public policy issues.

Prior to Jonah Goldberg's television work, Goldberg was a research analyst in social and political studies at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. A 1991 graduate of Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland, Jonah Goldberg served on the college’s Board of Trustees from 1991-94. After graduating from college, Jonah Goldberg spent a year working as an English teacher in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

Jonah Goldberg has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including Good Morning America, Larry King Live, Crossfire, Today, Nightline, Hardball with Chris Matthews, Politically Incorrect, and the NBC Nightly News. Jonah Goldberg has also been profiled in several national publications.

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Jonah Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg is editor-at-large of National Review Online.
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