Trainwreck: Billions Have Been Wasted On Failed Obamacare Exchanges Trainwreck: Billions Have Been Wasted On Failed Obamacare Exchanges

Obama: Netanyahu Lectured Me When He Came to the White HouseObama: Netanyahu Lectured Me When He Came to the White House

Stay Classy: Trump Supporter Who Suckered Punched Protester, Says 'We Might Have To Kill Him' Next TimeStay Classy: Trump Supporter Who Suckered Punched Protester, Says 'We Might Have To Kill Him' Next Time

Michael Barone Michael Barone: Democrats Dispirited, Republicans Hobbled by Excess of Spirit

Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: 'Trapped' in a Pro-Abortion Bubble

On the libertine left, one of the most revered "social justice warriors" is the abortionist. "Abortion providers" are revered as living statues of liberty, granting the freedom from being "punished with a baby," to quote our current president. Entire documentaries celebrate them.

Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Anti-Trump Conservatives Might Need to Swallow Pride, Support Cruz

The so-called Republican establishment is coming to the painful realization that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz may be its only hope to block Donald Trump from winning the nomination and Hillary Clinton from winning the White House. It's not assured, of course. There are as many theories on how to emerge from this year's Republican convention with an acceptable nominee as there are interpretations of what was going on in the TV show "Lost."

David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: An Appeal to Marco Rubio Supporters

I appealed to Donald Trump supporters to consider voting for Ted Cruz, and I now make the same request of Marco Rubio supporters.

Mona Charen Mona Charen: For the Establishment

"Burn it down." That's the slogan of faux conservatives who now rejoice that the Republican Party is being smashed by a slick, howlingly transparent grifter. The urge to destroy has a kind of pornographic appeal to a certain personality -- but it's a shock to find it so widespread.

Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: The Sea Island Conspiracy

Over the long weekend before the Mississippi and Michigan primaries, the sky above Sea Island was black with corporate jets.

Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Who Can Trump Trump?

The search continues for the key to chaos. Where's the catchy description that captures the zeitgeist, encapsulates the anger and illuminates the dreary political landscape? Puzzled voters look and listen to identify the proper leader, but the leading Democrat and Republican candidates post the lowest ratings for honesty, character and trustworthiness. This is surely the winter of our discombobulation.

Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Mrs. Reagan's Legacy

Nancy Reagan's death marks the final chapter in what was one of the greatest love stories of all time. The role of political spouse is not an easy one, but Mrs. Reagan managed her role brilliantly.

Rich Galen Rich Galen: Candidates Behaving Well

For those who feel that they have watch the GOP (or Dem) debates, I am reliably informed that Thursday night's debate was the next-to-last in the planned series.

Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Trump's Proposed Tariffs Would Hurt, Not Help, Consumers

Politicians by their very nature tend to make things up, playing fast and loose with statistics in an effort to con Americans into voting for them.

Rebecca Hagelin Rebecca Hagelin: A Floridian Speaks: Rubio Betrayed Me -- I’m Voting for Cruz

When I moved to Florida several years ago, one of my greatest joys was getting to vote for Marco Rubio to take a seat in the U.S. Senate. It was exciting to support such a bold, courageous, visionary young leader. I loved taking on the establishment in Florida and doing my part to help Marco beat the odds. I had hope and confidence in him. I believed that he would help us take our country back from insane and immoral policies that are bankrupting our children's future.

Erick Erickson Erick Erickson: Media Malpractice 2016

One of the greatest challenges a human being can face is to find a "political strategist" on any cable news network who has actually worked for well-known politicians within the last four years -- or even last decade. The lack of core competence in campaigns actually shapes the lack of core competence in reporting on campaigns.

Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: A Response to Jonah Goldberg on His Mistaken Claim of My Pauline Conversions on the Road to a Trump Presidency

My friend Jonah Goldberg has written a column entitled Conservative Purists Are Capitulating with Support of Trump. In this piece, Jonah goes after me and Stephen Moore for allegedly giving up our free-market principles for what he calls purely consequentialist reasons. I am not sure of the full meaning of this phrase, but it sounds like weve changed our beliefs because Trump is the leading candidate in the GOP presidential race.

John Hanlon John Hanlon: Young Messiah Director on Bringing Jesus’ Youth to the Big Screen

In recent days, weve seen more films willing to explore both the life and legacy of Jesus Christ. Only a few weeks ago, Risen depicted a fictional story about a Centurion who was searching for the body of Christ after it mysteriously disappeared from its tomb three days after his death.

Jeremiah Cuevas Jeremiah Cuevas : Dysfunctional Establishments: Elites in Need of Interventions

The Republican Party is back on its heels and divided toits very core. One would think that this would be the time for Democrats to strike back and get behind anaggressive, andstrongprogressive candidate. Acandidate who wants to grow government to a level never before witnessed by Americans.

Heather  Greenaway Heather Greenaway: Big Labor: Conquering Zeros

They say a cornered animal is a dangerous animal. This is a description that fits the contemporary labor movement. As union membership continues to decline, Big Labor bosses and their acolytes at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and elsewhere grow ever more desperate, aggressive, and deceptive in their tactics to turn back the unions ever-reducing footprint. No one is immune from their destructive devicesnot even their members.

ICYMI: Court Of Appeals Refuses To Rehear DC Gun Control Case
New Poll, Endorsements: Kasichmentum in Ohio?
The Town Where The American Revolution Began Wants to Ban Semi-Automatic Guns
Video: Let's Count Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal Lies
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Rumors Circulating Ahead of Miami
Rubio Camp Tells Ohioans to Vote for Kasich
Awful: The VA's Suicide Hotline Dropped 1.4 Million Calls Last Year
Breitbart Reporter Files Criminal Complaint Against Trump Campaign Manager
'What Will Kerry Tell His Grandchildren' if He Doesn't Label Christian Slaughter 'Genocide'?
White House Correspondence Association: Any Violence Against Reporters is Unacceptable
GOP Candidates Finally Drop Personal Attacks, Stick To The Issues
More Blue-Collar Democrats Switching Parties for Trump
Donald Trump on Reports Campaign Manager Yanked Female Reporter: "Didn't Happen"
Cruz Reminds Americans They Will Be Paying For Trump's Proposed Tariff on Foreign Goods, Not China
Trump: Gee, I Hope I’m Not Creating An Atmosphere Of Violence At My Rallies
Donald Trump: Michelle Fields Made Up Being Assaulted; UPDATE: He's Making Jokes About It
Trump: 'Bad Dudes' Cause of Violence at Rallies
LIVE OPEN THREAD: Rumble in Miami Just Days Before The Florida Primary
Trump: I Wasn't Endorsing Putin or China's Crackdown on Student Protesters
Rubio: I Don't Want to Be Politically Correct; I Want To Be Correct On The Threat Of Radical Islam
Trump Doubles Down: Islam Hates Us
Cruz: Dems See Illegal Immigrants As Potential Voters
Carson To Endorse Trump on Friday
Chuck Norris Apparently Not Endorsing Ted Cruz
Easy Teddy, 'Low Information Voters' Pay Your Salary
Join Conservatives on FB!
How Do You Feel About A Version Of RFRA Being Signed Into Law In Indiana?
Trump Campaign Accuses Breitbart Reporter Of Pretty Much Lying About Assault
Sen. Mike Lee Endorses Ted Cruz
The Cleveland Plain Dealer Endorses Kasich: He's the Only Adult in the Room
Yuge: Trump Gets Crushed By Hillary in New Polls
Sources: Trump Campaign Manager Admits to Assaulting Reporter Michelle Fields, Left Her Bruised
Poll: Independents Concerned About Obama Nominating Another Liberal Justice