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Mona Charen's Biography

Mona Charen is a syndicated columnist and political analyst living in the Washington, D.C., area.

Mona Charen received her undergraduate degree at Barnard College, Columbia University, with honors. Mona Charen also holds a degree in law from George Washington University.

Mona Charen began her career at National Review magazine, where Mona Charen served as editorial assistant. On her first tax return at the age of 22, Mona Charen listed her occupation as "pundit," explaining later, "You have to think big."

In 1984, Mona Charen joined the White House staff, serving first as Nancy Reagan's speechwriter and later as associate director of the Office of Public Liaison. In the latter post, Mona Charen lectured widely on the administration's Central America policy. Later in Mona Charen's White House career, Mona Charen worked in the Public Affairs office helping to craft the president's overall communications strategy.

In 1986, Mona Charen left the White House to join the presidential quest of then-Congressman Jack Kemp as a speechwriter.

Mona Charen launched her syndicated column in 1987, and it has become one of the fastest-growing columns in the industry. It is featured in more than 200 papers, including the Boston Globe, Baltimore Sun, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and The Washington Times. Mona Charen spent six years as a regular commentator on CNN's "Capital Gang" and "Capital Gang Sunday," and has served as a judge of the Pulitzer Prizes. Mona Charen is the author of two best sellers: "Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First" (2003), and "Do-Gooders: How Liberals Harm Those They Claim to Help -- and the Rest of Us" (2005).

Mona Charen is a frequent guest on television and radio public affairs programs and is married with three children.

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Mona Charen

Mona Charen is a syndicated columnist, political analyst and author of Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help .
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