Approaching Stanford Forms: Tips for Uploading Your Photo in Form 11

What you need to know now

Form 11 of the Approaching Stanford Forms requires that you upload a digital photo of yourself. You may do the forms in any order, so feel free to tackle this item early on. Some students struggle finding an acceptable image or have browser compatibility issues, so it’s wise take care of this well in advance of the forms deadline, so you don’t have to troubleshoot any issues at the eleventh hour.

How to successfully upload

Please be sure you follow these guidelines to ensure a successful upload/submission:

  1. You must use of the recommended browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox. There are known issues with Safari at this time. If you have trouble with one of the recommended browsers, often the issues will disappear if you simply switch to another. 
  2. The photo submission site provides a comprehensive list of requirements. In short, you'll need to choose a high quality photo that solely features you, has a good light, is free of shadows, and has a light-colored, high contrast background (such as solid white). The photo should frame from your collarbone to the top of your head, and eyes should be in view and open. Hats and sunglasses are not allowed.
  3. The photo file format should be jpeg, fig, or png and the file size should not exceed 2MB.
  4. You will be able to crop and center your photo, if needed, via the photo submission application.

What happens after you submit

After you submit your photo, you will receive a brief email from the Student Services Center usually within 2 business days notifying you whether your photo has been approved or rejected. The processing time will likely be longer if you wait until early June to submit this.

Once your photo has been approved, you do not need to do anything further with this process; you will receive your ID Card in your check-in packet when you arrive for New Student Orientation.

What if you already have a Stanford ID Card

If you already have one (from prior participation in a Stanford program), then you’ll continue to use that card and will need to bring it with you to campus in the fall.


For questions about how to submit your photo, photo requirements, or technical support with the upload site, please submit a HelpSU ticket or call the Student Services Center at (650) 723-7772 or (866) 993-7772 (toll-free).

For questions about the use of your photo, please contact the Approaching Stanford team in UAR at or (650) 723-7476.

See Also