Can I Take Law School Classes?

There are a limited number of law school classes that are open to undergraduates by special arrangement with the instructor and the Law School Registrar. Students can also make arrangements to visit individual lectures by special arrangement with the registrar and the instructor. Visit the Law School’s webpage on non-law student registration for more information.

Opportunities in law

Definitely browse the LAWGEN prefix in ExploreCourses, as those are courses taught by law school faculty that are aimed at non-law students, including several introsems.

In addition, the Stanford Pre‐Law Society typically arranges a shadowing week when undergraduate students can visit Stanford Law School classes.

Subscribe to the joint pre-law mailing list for pre-law advice, opportunities, and panels from several organizations, if you are considering going to law school. Kathy Wright is the UAR advisor in Sweet Hall who works with students interested in law school.