Getting to Campus on Move-In Day

Stanford’s Visitor Information website has a searchable campus map as well as an abundance of travel-related information and resources for driving directions, nearby airports, public transportation, and nearby hotels and motels.

On September 1, you will receive specific Move-In Day information via email, featuring links to a printable map and the free NSO parking pass. The map will help you in identifying the best route to your dorm on move-in day, and your parents will need to display the parking pass in their car in order to unload your belongings at your dorm before parking in Galvez Lot, the designated free parking lot for NSO.

If you will be flying and will not rent a car, note that shuttle service is available from all three nearby airports. (For information about specific shuttle services, visit the airports’ websites to review your options.) Remember that you will have to get your luggage on and off the shuttle, so make sure you do not pack a bag that is too heavy for you to lift or so many bags that you cannot carry them all if you have to manage alone. Make sure each piece of luggage is clearly labeled, inside and outside, with your full name and Stanford residence. Consider shipping some of your belongings to campus.