The Junior “Must Do” list

As you continue your journey you may find yourself pulled in many different directions.  Before narrowing your path too quickly, give yourself time to explore new ideas and opportunities.  Along the way you will be preparing yourself well for post-Stanford life.

  • Reflect on your first two years, and think thoughtfully about what you would like to accomplish before you graduate from Stanford that would be personally challenging and meaningful;
  • Develop a strong relationship with your Major Advisor.
  • Explore research options within your field of interest.
  • Engage with other students in your major and explore different opportunities that your department or program provides.
  • If you haven’t done so already, plan for overseas or off-campus studies during this year.
  • Begin an honors program and apply for a Major Grant or consider a senior capstone experience.
  • Consult with UAR pre-professional advisors for guidance with Health, Law, Business, Education or other graduate programs.
  • Investigate internship and career opportunities through your department or program and through the Career Development Center.
  • Investigate fellowship opportunities in your areas of interest through the UAR and ORC.
  • Take your co-curricular activity to another level—explore leadership in clubs or organizations, visit the Haas Center for Public Service; engage in the wider community outside of Stanford.
  • Check degree progress on Axess periodically.